Attention Existing Members

The first time you log in, you must reset your password.

Click on the “login” button and select the link “I forgot my password.”

Below is a video to walk you through the steps.

If you have any issues logging in the first time, please contact me via the “Contact Us” option in the header.

If you have already logged in, you can ignore this message.

thank you.

I cannot find the LOG OUT button. I have not been looking at the site all day, I can assure you all!

Go to the upper right and click on your profile image. Then click on the person icon. It is in the menu choices.

Couldn’t you have replied a bit quicker Jeff. Where are the laughing emogies.

Thank you


That is easy. Just type a “:” and emojis start appearing.

: but when I tap “More” I get less…

…fortunately for me there is a smiley face icon in the menu bar above me!

:clap: :saxophone: :snowflake: :eagle:


@wdb Try the “more” feature now. The bug was fixed…

:sunglasses: works like a charm!

Hello Jeff

You did a very good job.

Although I’m standing in the waiting loop bevor the gate of heaven and my brain is no longer 20,can I see through the new website quite well.

I’m grateful for the option to choose the background. I choose dark because it’s easier on my eyes.
I noticed that the profile pictures don’t look good after the migration. I’ve cropped my profile picture from the original and made it smaller. It’s now around 143k. How big would the maximum be?
It looks good now and uploading was very easy. I recommend that everyone do the same.


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I currently have the site set to accept images up to 7MB. I did a quick review of the pictures I have taken over the last year. Most are between 2MB and 5MB.


Thanks for all the effort. One small glitch, every now and again I see old topics appear under the ‘latest’ tab with no recent post. While they are interesting to see, it does seem to be an error. I keep meaning to screenshot it, but have failed to do so. Are others having similar symptoms?


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No glitch - me doing work. More details here: