Air Horns

Can anyone tell me if the air horns fitted to the sprint are the same as those fitted to the +2? Does anyone have a spare set they want to sell mine are toast(ish).

Mark, If it’s just the pump a good clean out and lube will often get them singing again. I have found they can seize quite quickly


I’ll go one better. I have my original air horns and compressor, the latter being seized. Sure, you can coax it back to life, but remember this is safety equipment. It’s a little more than inconvenient if it doesn’t work when you need it! Would you compromise tires, brakes, or safety harnesses? My old stuff looks nice and shiny on my shelf, but I have new air horns/compressor manufactured by the same Italian company that supplied the originals in my car. It works every time and is buried in the engine compartment where nobody can tell the difference. Any auto parts store should have them for about $30. Just don’t buy the ones that play ‘La Cucaracha’ or ‘Dixie’, as are available here in the SE USA. My humble opinion…

Tom Roberds
69 S4

That told me then! :stuck_out_tongue:


They are Paddy Hopkirk supplied Italian Maserati air horns. Paddy Hopkirk was a well known supplier of after market bits for cars such as roof and boot racks.
I replaced my horns and compressor when I rebuilt my car earlier this year with new items but the compressor lasted about 2 months!! I tidied up my original 33 year old compressor, repainted it and it works better that the ‘new’ replacement ever did. I could not use the original horns as the diaphrams had fallen to pieces so my purchase was not totally in vain.
One piece of advice, fit a relay between the compressor and the horn push. The horn relies on a good earth down the steering column to the chassis to work. Without the relay the horns took a few seconds to ‘get up to speed’ and generally sounded a bit feeble. With the relay they work as soon as I press the centre of the steering wheel and sound (to me at least) twice a loud.


I have seen tatty original horns for sale on the internet for around ?150 so don’t throw your old ones out!! :slight_smile:

The Air Horns I bought recently in the UK for about $30 were made by FIAMM. As said above, they were bought from a high street store (Halfords, in the UK).


My new AND original air horns were both manufactured by FIAMM. The new compressor has worked for five years without fail, so I haven’t had the same bad experience as Carl. I know that they ‘don’t make them like they used to’, but my original compressor (internals) looked like it went down with the Titanic. If you can get the old one working, go for it.

Tom Roberds
69 S4

This company appears to have lots of useful auto electrical stuff at good prices including FIAMM air horns…p?product_id=73


I think mine was made by another Italian company called Stebel.
A thought, why are most air horns made by Italians? Is this a something to do with the way they drive it Italy? :slight_smile:

I have a set of Hella air horns. Realy controlled with power from the B+ on the starter motor. They are VERY LOUD and have NO compressor ramp up time.

The air horn in my elan sprint is:
model: Hypersonic-Gt
made: in Italy by S.E.V. Marchal
trumbets type: chromed
(see the picture)
I don’t know if it is original or a replaced part.

Question: it is written on the top of air compressor that every month must be lubrificate; how? where? and which kind of oils/grease?

Thank you for any info.

Remove the small rubber cap on the top of the compressor and add a couple of drops of oil.


Two more question:

  1. what is the function of oil? Inside the copressor’s cup there is a small cotton parts keeps by spring, but I don’t understand what needs to be lubrificated. Thank you.

  2. I would like to see any pictures of Elan sprint federal to see where the horn system is fixed in the engine bay/nose. From Internet I saw different solutions…and I am confused.

Thank you.

I think the “cotton parts” that you refer to is the filter to prevent dirt being sucked into the compressor and the oil is to lubricate the vanes (shown in your first picture) to prevent them siezing in the rotor.

I have no idea what is the “correct” location for the air horns and compressor but this is how I have mounted mine…

The horns are mounted on a square tube, fixed between the body mount bolts, which also carries the brake pipes, the wiring loom and the vacuum pipe to the brake servo. The compressor is mounted on the radiator side mounting bracket.

My shiny ‘new’ replacement horn compressor also lasted a few months, I lubricated the original Maserati compressor fitted it back and it’s been running since (about 5+ years) without problem…
The compressor is fitted on the same bracket as the horns on my Sprint.

I fitted my air horns sideways so that the horn does not catch the rain.