Absolutely brilliant!

Really impressed with the new site Jeff, you have done an amazing job and, as far as I can see, no disturbance or disruption of any sort affecting the members. To me that is a real achievement (A UK website with forum run by a publishing house shut down for a couple of months when the data transfer did not go well!).



Agreed, brilliant refresh of an already brilliant site, no hickups so far. Amazing :smile:

1 Like

Looks really good, well done.
Minor comment, it is not obvious where the person posting is from. It can be found by clicking on the posters icon, but the location was visible before.


Yep awesome job. Looks great

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Yes, looking good! As always, will take a bit of time to get used to the new layout, but seems solid functionally. Thanks for all your efforts!

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Totally agree. Really pleased to see the site evolving in such a positive way.
Great job :blush:

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Thanks Jeff, your endeavours are much appreciated.
The new site is excellent

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Just logged on to this. Well done it looks great



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Very well done Jeff and thank-you!

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Well done look fresh

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Thanks Jeff, well done. You’ll get to spend some time on the Elan.

One day.


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Great work Jeff and appears to have been a smooth transfer

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Looks nice, functions well; great work on the updated site.

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The new site looks terrific and seems a great improvement. Thank you Jeff for all the hard planning, implementation and testing work that such a project entails. Very much appreciated.

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The whole thing must have been a humongous piece of work. Thank you Jeff!

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Very smooth transition ! must have taken a lot of thoughts… thank you for your dedication to keep the passion alive.


First post with the new software. Excellent job!

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The search function appears to be vastly improved and navigation is more intuitive, a very successful changeover as far as I can see.

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So far the new site is great.
I am more of a reader than a poster but as I get further into the S4 reassembly, I hope to change that.
Overall the one thing that has not changed is the wealth of information and help. The new site makes that easier.

Great job.

Dan in NJ

Impressive! This was my first chance to take it for a spin. What an improvement. Thanks for all you do!