Well, on a bit of a whim I have added this to my car collection…
It is a 1960 MGA 1600 Mk1 Coupe which has had E-Z electric power steering and 5 speed Type 9 gearbox fitted.
A complete and total contrast to my +2S130 but a great British classic from a bygone era nevertheless!
If it’s stay is to be temporary or permanent with me is yet to be decided…It depends on how it behaves itself!
The MGA’s of that era had particularly beautiful curves. Have fun with you new addition to the collection and I think you will keep it regardless of whether it behaves or not! (should be a piece of cake compared to a Lotus).
Thanks for the reassurances.
I really love my +2S130 and the MGA I am finding is a bit of a staid culture shock at the moment! More of a gentlemans carriage i think. Beautiful lines though as you say. I just had to buy it!
This car has obviously been restored very well but some years ago. However it is very sound in all areas and someone has spent a lot of money on it over the years and the 5speed Type 9 box is lovely just like the Type 9 I fitted in my +2 a couple of years ago.
Perhaps this me taking time to get used to a car is an age thing because when i bought the +2 I wasn’t sure if it was for me and it did take some time before I fell in love with it. Perhaps it is all a bit like falling in love with a woman…It takes time!
Anyway, early days with the MGA, so we will just have to see how things go…
I’ve always loved the lines of the MGA and kind of hankered after one.
A friend, also an avid Lotus man, has 3 of them - one is a TC with knock on wheels which is beautiful. He was talking is selling it a few years ago and I was half tempted.
We have had an MGA in the family for the past 30+ years, a 1956 1500 roadster. It is my wife’s car but I am chief mechanic! As you say they have lovely curves. I have tinkered with A and B series engines for most of my life so if you need any advice I am here. Parts supply is not an issue. I find Moss very good.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the offers…always appreciated and good to hear from someone who owns an ‘MGA’.
Although I have spent all my life in the Motor Trade with some 20 years of my early working life actually twiddling the spanners professionally as it were, you are never to old to learn and I have never before personally owned an MGA although I have owned various MGB’s and 'Cs in the past which of course are quite different beasts from the same stable.
Every day is always a school day though…
Hi Mike,
You mentioned that you have found Moss good for Parts.
I understand that Moss US, Moss Europe also Rimmer Bros were sold as a package earlier this year to a New York investment company and the rumours are that both quality of Parts and Service generally have since dropped quite dramatically!
I need to order a few bits and pieces so wondered if you or anyone on else here have recent experience of any recent issues with Moss?
FWIW, when I used to get parts for my MGB I always preferred Brown&Gammons to Moss. They also sell MGA parts but I have no experience of that. There’s also MGOC.
Ordered a new bendix for an Elan/Mini starter, It has been several weeks and have heard nothing. Checked their online catalog both before ordering and just recently. The first check showed in stock, then next time shows back ordered, Guess I missed the train.
I have to confess that I had forgotten that Moss and Rimmer Bros had been taken over and I certainly haven’t bought anything from them recently so can’t comment on present quality or service. As draenog says there is also Brown and Gammons who I have also used in the past. He also mentions MGOC but personally I would give them a miss.