3 rail gearbox

I am aware of the Standard, Semi close (2000e) and Close - ratios of the 3 rail ford box from books. I believe that standard was just an Anglia/Corsair and early Cortina box. The one with the 3.543 1st gear.

I have seen the difference in the spigots dia (17 - 15mm) on the 1st motion shaft on some of the early boxes.

A question.

Whilst these boxes seem of little interest to most, am I correct in thinking that some of the internals are of use when overhauling a later box like a semi close. Same rails and selectors and rings etc.

Last time I put one in the workshop the selectors were worn and had to be built up and re machined. Just a thought for the worth of a spares stock for salvage? :confused:

Mike . :slight_smile:

Hi Mike --I’m just waiting for warmer weather to start replacing my shift forks on my 7 —they were 200 bucks [U.S.] new so if you have a set that works keep them --ed

Most of the internals are interchangeable between the various versions of the 3 rail box so worthwhile picking up a cheap standard box as spares for your semi close or close ratio Lotus box (I have one for just that purpose)

Apart from the gear sets the main areas of variation overtime between the boxes were in the input 1st motion shaft flywheel spigot diameters and in the output 3rd motion shaft gear assembly retaining arrangement with early boxs using a nut and later boxes using a circlip. Also differences overtime in the castings lugs and reinforcement ribbing.

The Dave Bean catalogue documents all these differences pretty well


Thanks guys.

I will stash some in the garage corner. I found a 1300 crossflow engine on ebay with some other bits in the background. I saw two gearboxes. Anway I bid and won. The engine was of no use to me and I left that but I picked up two standard boxes. Decent price too.

Thanks Mike

You are some what right about the gearboxes being pretty much the same except for ratios throughout the Elan, Cortina and Escort range.

But, I’ve been into an Anglia box and yes, there are some items which could be used on an Elan box, but not as much as you’d think. The Anglia box is only syncronized on the top three gears. The third motion shaft is shorter (the output shaft), the tail housing and the rear bearing is altogether different. The shift rails and at least some of the forks are different. They may look the same, but check the lengths and positions of the detents on the forks.

Now, if they are the 3.4 ratio 1st gear normal Cortina box, they should offer many interchangeable parts. They will be easily identified by having all 4 gears syncronized.

By the way, could you reclaim that 1300 cross-flow. I need that block for my racecar.


There are 3 different versions of the 3 rail that we use in the Elan, not close, semi-close and wide but Sleaved bushing first gear, non-bushed first gear and snap-ring shaft. The Dave Bean Elan catalog does a great job of breaking down what works woth what. 6 dollars is the tarrif and is will most likely save you that if you are into a box and need to get parts from another box. I think you can look at the casting numbers to get an idea if your box from the anglia. If its a 113 e xxxx casting on the main case you probably have a good swap kit. First motion and countershaft are only good for the early 3.54 first gear boxes.


p.s. Get the dave bean catalog, 6 dollars the last time I got one.

Thanks guys

Roger, I have PM’d you about the engine.


I will order a Bean Catalog. Sounds helpful. Especially when I have never been past changing a tail housing. I am keen to learn. By the way I got a few gear levers now for cut down, for me and John P.

Have straightened three! Not got round to other bit yet.

Mike :slight_smile:

You’re a good lad Mike :smiley:
I’m planning to get to Donington this April.


I agree with Gary that the Bean catalog is an excellent reference. They normally don’t charge for the catalog if you are placing a reasonable order for parts at the same time.

Or they will refund the cost of the catalogue on your first order.

1968 36/7988

Re: Dave Bean. I emailed the other day and heard nothing back yet. As I recall I did this before when the company was praised on here. I have just sent another mail to their admin’ address on the site.

I dont fancy just filling in my credit card details and faxing without knowing postage and without having made contact with someone.

If I have nothing back by end of next week, would it please be possible for one of you very nice guys over there to send me one? I will post a cheque straight out (including any postage incurred from Bean to you). Or can Paypal transfer.

Mike :confused:


Try one of these folks,

Tommy Smith is our racing and engine expert. Though he never has much to say for himself, his credentials say it all. His experience extends through Formula Atlantic, Can Am, and Italian exotics and beyond to Lotus 7, Lotus 47, Europa S2 and his favorite, Morrises. Tom is highly qualified to help you with on and off street modifications or vintage British originals. He arrives to work early to better serve those on the East coast and allow himself longer afternoons for his own projects. Tom has solutions. Available for consultation, at a modest fee, of course.

[email protected]

There are rumors that Ken Gray is still working to pay off his parts bill on this '69 S4, but it looks worth the sacrifice. What a beauty!!! Besides being an Elan and Europa owner, Ken also sports a Cortina fetish. He has become the indentured crew chief on Dave’s 26R race car and is a whiz at electrical problems. His recent experience with Elan trim and mechanicals could help to save you time and money. Ken will gladly help you also, with any Lotus project. Give him a call or drop him a message.

[email protected]

Daren Daren has returned to the fold. He has a wide knowledge base in strange and unique british cars.
Direct your questions for Daren to

[email protected]

Not sure this will get you anywhere, [email protected]

Accounting Maggie is our barracuda-in-training, able to assist you with any billing questions. She can be reached through [email protected].

Thanks for taking the time Gary. I have sent one off. Fingers crossed.

Mike :slight_smile: