26/0538 - 60 year anniversary with one owner

As of May 10th I am celebrating my 60 years of driving my Elan 1600 (early S1).

I ordered my car from the factory in early December of 1963 (no dealers in Canada at that time) - The car was built and delivered in March 64 to the London docks and shipped by sea to Vancouver where, on May 10th, I watched it being lifted from the ships hold and thence drove it home to Vancouver Island (The Rock).

I am still enjoying driving it briskly at age 83. As the saying goes “It doesn’t drive me”.

Any other long time (older) owners out there???

Bill Rathlef

keep them sticks on the ice!

Happy 60th Bill !!

Our cars looked great together

Hi Bill, Same age but haven’t keep my Elan as long. Saw an Elise in Australia in 1964 on leave from Viet Nam. Wanted one. Back to the States in "65 and off to England where at the "65 Earls Court show they introduced the Elan Coupe vice the no longer Elise.Had it shipped to the Port of New York, picked it up, I think in February of "66, #5192 It was my daily driver till I unfortunately sold it and acquired a 2005 Elise, then a Tony Thompson Elan GTS which I and now negotiating to get back in exchange for a Sprint. You were smart, I wasn’t, too many trades. Nothing like an Elan & good health.

Nice one, Bill and happy Elan birthday!


Congratulations Bill, would be surprised if anyone can beat your record!
Bought my Sprint second hand in 1982 at the age of 23. Insurance was no problem back then.
Used to drive it a lot quicker back then, before the days of speed cameras and average speed cameras. And a lot less traffic.

Congratulations Bill
I have only owned mine about 27 years

Congratulations Bill.

I am in the junior league in comparison, I have had my Sprint for nearly 40 years, the S3 for 20.


Congratulations Bill! You’re allowed to raise your stick in celebration.

Congrats Bill.

How many miles have you put on it? I’ve had mine 15 years but have only driven (part of) it 20 yards in that time…!

Congratulations and good on you. For everyone life presents many challenges so amazing you’ve managed to keep it for so long

Congratulations Bill
Bought my +2 for £800 in 1976 so 48 years - I’m the second owner.

Very Happy Birthday !

What a great testimony : I wish you both many more years of spirited motoring…

keep it on the road…

Congratulations Bill !

Just 40 years ownership for my 72 Sprint DHC coming up in September this year, I bought mine when I was 21.

Congratulations Bill. Awesome milestone and story.

A good friend of mine had a very similar experience a few years after your car landed. He was with his father to pick up the first Elan SE to hit the Vancouver docks.

As he tells it the then relatively new Lotus dealer took them down to the docks on a calm Saturday for the unpacking. Firing the car was immediately followed by a few impromptu acceleration runs down the desolate dock apron. You know, to “Check the gears”. :smiley:

On a whim they later toured the new car to California. Actually traded yarns with another new SE owner from LA at an impromptu meeting on the iconic Cali Highway 1.

So great that you continue to bomb around The Island with your S1. Wish I could be down your way for the epic BC Lotus Club Vancouver Island Staycation tour in the next few weeks. Hope you are able to post a few pics. :smiley:

Enjoy the ride!

I inherited my late Fathers '74 +2 this year which he bought in '78 so 46 years in the same family isn’t bad going. No intention to ever sell it either!

Great stuff Bill…It’s nice to hear such loyalty…I would think you must be unique…if not you must be in a very small select club.
I’ve owned my 1969 S4 FHC for around 45 years so I’ve a bit to go to match you!!..I’ve never thought for one moment about selling it.


I AM ROLLING 58,000 MILES. Tough to travel far on the rock without teaching her to swim.

Nice to see the photo of your sprint on my Max Jax from 10 years ago - you came a long way to find that car.
Life has interrupted the reno of my 72 Sprint FHC - my new wife, who I met just after you left, suffered a severe stroke and passed away two weeks ago. Life IS a bitch!

Thanks to all for your interest, 26/0528 is off to the All British Field Meet in Vancouver. along with 500 other brit vehicles May18th.

Cheers to all!!


Bittersweet, Bill and my condolences to you.


Congratulations Bill. I have a couple of years until I reach my 50th for my Elan
