20 years on the forum

Feels much longer :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Well, six but who’s counting? :mrgreen:

I wonder what event happened 20 years ago that caused a blip in Lotus owners subscribing to this forum?

I have just done a very rough check through this thread and 12 of us show registration dates in the last two weeks of September 2003 but I don’t think that is actually the case.

I am certain that I joined in 2000 or 2001 but the forum software shows 11th Sept 2003

I seem to remember that Jeff mentioned that there was a major update or change to the forum software in 2003 so I think the original join dates got squished.


You are correct Ian; it’s 20 years since the forum was changed to something like this current format but the group had been going quite some time by then. I seem to remember that it was some sort of e-mail based discussion group previously, when I checked in.

Jeff moved a gang of us across during September, that’s why so many of us have that as our start date.

As I recall, before the forum was changed to its present format in 2003 there was an Elan Mailing list, probably many of used the mailing list and some questions & and answers can still be found via the forums search facility, I don’t remember why it evolved to the present format… was it because there was a privacy issue with data protection due to new laws :question:

May 2004 for me, but I had Europas before my Elan.

Glad to be here with such good people.


I haven’t yet reached the 20 years, but I was on the mailing list. The mailing list was run by Yahoo. I recall there was some issues/ changes being undertaken by Yahoo, maybe they had been bought out, but it was becoming a less than reliable service. Cudos to Jeff for establishing this excellence forum.
