20 years on the forum

Just realised it was the 20 year anniversary since I joined this forum (22 Sept 2003)
I believe Rohan joined the exact same day.

Sept 12, 2003 for me. Also 12 September 2003

Sunday 14th September 2003 for me.

20 years for me this time next year and I’m still no further on with the car :unamused: Mind you a lot has happened for me personally over that time and I’ve managed to hang on to it which is something.

September 11 2003 5:25 pm

12th September 2003 for me too !

24 Sep 2003 12:06 pm

I guess I’m the newbie… 20th anniversary hits on Oct 20th (joined on 20 Oct 2003).


Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:31 pm

And another. Friday this week.

It seems I am a latecomer to the forum. Sat Apr 19, 2008 11:59 pm

However I have owned the same Elan S3 Coupe since about the middle of 1969

My profile shows I joined 11 September 2003, however…

I have feeling the subject has been discussed here previously because as I understand it, there was change or re-jig of the forum software and the original join dates got lost.

I am 100% certain I was a member of this forum well before 2003


EDIT: Just checked and see that I was posting in 2000

I am a recent joiner to the forum. Just 1 year. But wanted to thank all you long term members who have contributed so much time and care to building an amazing resource that has been invaluable and a constant source of entertainment and helpful advice as I tackle new problems on my old car.

20 years to the day for me….
Have learned so much from all of you. Thank you.

15 Sep 2003 11:26 pm for me, and I’m still learning too… What a great resource!
Thank you all.

2017… I only have five years!

October 28th will be 20 for me. I took a long hiatus and raced minis, formula fords, Porsches, and other things. Back full time with the rebuilding of an Elan racecar.

October 28th will be 20 for me. I took a long hiatus and raced minis, formula fords, Porsches, and other things. Back full time with the rebuilding of an Elan racecar.

October 29th 2003 for me ! 20 years on the forum 25 as a lotus owner 50 as a lotus fan

Dang, I have to wait till 11th December for my 20 years.

Pretty sure I was lurking long before that as I got my car in 2000.