Does anyone know if replacement parts exist for the lower rail of the quarter lights assembly of the window frames in a +2? I have two sets of frames, and both had extensivley rotted in this area. The frames are otherwise in good condition - maybe a rechrome if I am feeling picky!
Hi Jeremy. I haven’t seen any of those lower quarter light ‘frames’ for sale anywhere, but I think that a good fabricator could make some up…I seem to remember that they are only rivited onto the brass window frames, so are easy to take off / remake and refix. In fact you could get someone to make a batch and sell then on eBay…I need a couple of sets as well!
That question has worried me now…am I missing some more bits on this project + 2
Just been out to check my yet to be fitted door/window assemblies and what I have found is 2 ill fitting heavy gauge mild steel lower quarter light pieces that appear to fasten to inside of front of channel and bolt onto inside of door.
They are a horrible fit. Why would these need to be chromed as it looks like they won’t be seen when all the other bits are built up…or like I say am I missing yet more pieces
I have been looking for some time for these window channels in the hope that I do not have to make them myself. When you look at the compound curve of the channel it is not quite so easy!
Mine are fixed with 2BA brass countersunk slot head screws.
Those quater light frames deffinately aren’t available, I made mine up using what was left of the rusty chromed covered in ‘dum dum’ bits as pattern.
I rescued the heavy guage loopy bit that fixes to the insde leading edge of the door and the tag that fixes down the trailing edge of the door.
I then got some either 18 or 20swg steel channel (can’t remember which) aboout the same width as the remnants of the originals and carefully worked out radius of the curve of the quater light on the inside and the outside of the glass, then worked out how much the channel needed to be shrunk and streteched on the inside and outside flanges of the channel and carefully cut a number (think it was probably 4/5 on the inside and 3 on the outside) of ‘V’s’ into the flange and just nicking into the bottom of the channel.
When all the little ‘V’s’ are cut you can then easily form the compound curve. I used a combination of gas welding and brazing to stitch, fill and join including attaching the rescued lugs if your carefull it will nedd very minor dressing to look perfect! Blast, etch prime and paint and seat the quater light in a good bead of window sealant and a good bead between the cahnnel and the door clean excess and away you go!
It isn’t difficult just be patient, take your time, and you’ll get it!
Just to clarify what we are talking about here. All I have is the main window frame which is rechromed. The quarter light part of it does not have a bottom piece…i.e. the leading angled bit is floppy until the heavy gauge bottom metal bit is added. Am I a piece short somewhere as I can’t see where it will fit.
Just to clarify what we are talking about here. All I have is the main window frame which is rechromed. The quarter light part of it does not have a bottom piece…i.e. the leading angled bit is floppy until the heavy gauge bottom metal bit is added. Am I a piece short somewhere as I can’t see where it will fit. Oh for a parts manual
Jeremy and Kenny, the part in question is called “Base Channel-Quater Light LH” or RH, Lotus part numbers 050 B 0857/0868 resepectively.
I’ll fax you the page out of the parts manual if you need.
I’ve also attached a photo of the part. It’s made out of steel channel 14mm high x 9 wide x 1mm thickness (approx). Because it has a component curve I imagine a jig would need to be made to bend to correct shape.
Chrome plating was provided to give some corrosion resistance but because this part is a water trap and there are crevices where the flats are welded on, rust is a near certainty in a wet climate.
Yep, thats the bit Gerry…well done with the pics, thanks. Although mine is not assembled yet ,am I right in thinking that this part will not be visible when in situ with all other trim and the chrome as you say was purely for protection?.
Just done a trial fit on mine and the passenger side fits snug, the drivers side seems twisted and may need “stomping on”
I posted a wanted on here for these quite a while ago with no success I have tried to get them at auto jumbles but the closest I have got was an offer to sell me the whole frame and this piece was rotten anyway.
I have never seen an unrotten one on a door that was for sale. I thought about making a couple up but as you guys have discovered you need a good one to copy to get the bend right. I am planning to take off my rusted ones and have a go at making them but my current house has no garage so it is a project for the future. I suspect my leak will get so bad that I will be forced to tackle this job at some point.
If anyone is making them up now put me down for both sides
Matt, if you are reading this, how good were the ones you bought on the frames from Stoneleigh?
You are in for a bit of fun. Fitting the fixed quarter light glass into the frame with new rubbers and then positioning the lower piece to fix all is a daunting task.
First do not discard the old rubber bits. They will give you a pattern for cutting the rubber seals at the proper angles and lengths to fit into the quarterlight frame. Each side of the “triangle” is a different profile seal.I needed a great deal of lube (WD-40 or equiv) on the rubber. I used a long pick to pull the bottom piece roughly into position then used very long machine screws and nuts to pull it into position. Slowly and with a great deal of fettling and cursing. Used thin nose vice grips also. Took many attempts.
These are the very parts that I need for my rechromed window frames.
Me too, me too, me too!!!
This is just one of a thousand jobs I need to do on my +2, so I’ll be trying to avoid making them myself. If anyone finds a supplier please let me know.
hi, I have the glass etc, and have had the metalwork rechromed, so would, I think only be interested in the base channel quarter lights. Are you prepared to sell them on their own. What condition are they in?
Seems I touched a tough area! Thanks Gerry for the excellent pics. If Lotus listed the channel as a spare, then there must have been some spares available at some time… Where are they all?! The usual sources draw a blank. Where did you get your nice shiny ones from Gerry? Or are they the result of much refurb work? I will see if I can get a quote for a couple of new ones, perhaps in Stainless as they seem to rot so easily.
Jeremy, mine were pretty sorry with rust and a few holes. Since then they have been cleaned, holes brazed up and rechromed. New stainless would be better.
Can any one tell me if these are the same LH & RH or different ? Also does anyone have an old one (or two depending on the previous questions answer !) they would like to “DONATE” in the cause of research ??
I have never looked at mine and have no idea how they are but reading this I suspect they will be as bad as everyone else seems to have found.
BUT on this premise I’m considering making some replacement ones (or more likely having them made in Vietnam) SO the person that provides the pattern ones (s) gets a NEW set free and then the others after I have a set will be offered up here or eBay like the hub extractors I made and sold recently.
You can private mail me or leave message in this post and I’ll get back to you.
The channels are definitely handed.
I have also considered getting a batch made.
I deal with a local engineering company that could do this, but it wouldn’t be at the same price as you could get them from Vietnam.
I’ll send some drawings to your yahoo address.