X-flow / pre X-flow issue

Does anyone know if the Lotus 4 speed box (or for that matter the lotus 5 speed) will bolt directly to the taller X-flow block ?


Yes for the 4 speed, at least. I’d bet yes for the 5 speed, too.

Thanks 66S2,

The 4 and 5 speed Lotus boxes definitely fit to the pre-crossflow block
since AFAIK Lotus did not list an adaptor for the 5 speed conversion for the Sprint.

If that’s the case (and you are correct), then both should just bolt in !


Yes & it will even bolt directly to a Zetec.
The bolting pattern is one feature that car makers rarely change.
A change of pattern is only possible when the maker introduces a new engine & a new gearbox into production at the same time.
There are also some more, rather complicated reasons for the engine manufactures sticking to a proven bolting pattern.
The most obvious one being the upper pair of bolts which straddle N? 4 cylinder, these bolt positions & the cranckase casting thicknesses etc. are designed to keep the distortion induced by these bolts in the cylinder bore to a minimum.
