Writing a new Plus 2 Book

I am in the middle of writing a book on the Plus 2
I have written “Lotus 35 a History”, “Lotus 19 a History”, “Lotus 46 the S1 Europa”, and “Lotus Formula Fords”,
and I was editor of ‘Historic Lotus’ the HLR magazine for 5 years

I have owned four Plus 2 (Have just restored a early car), and think its well overdue that we have a decent book on the Plus 2, rather than the usual situation where the Plus 2 is tagged on to an Elan book as a bit of an afterthought.

For the life of me I cannot understand why the Lotus flagship car of the 1960/70’s is available at such a knock down price. It’s by far the most day to day usable Lotus of the period, as well as being a beautiful looking car !

So to make the book a fully rounded story, I need from Members with Plus2, to contact me with their Purchasing/rebuilding/running and owning Plus 2 experiences, Please.

I would like decent resolution, (300dpi if poss), jpegs of the cars as found/during restoration as well as finished cars; With text sent as a Word Document.
Please do not embed images in the text.

I will of course, give full credit to the source
Over to you guys
Kevin Whittle

Hello Kevin

I would love to contribute but my experiences are more a kind of “maintaining a usable classic” rather than “full on body off restoration”. All of them are documented with pictures on the forum, and you are welcome to use any of it in your book.

You can get a good idea quickly by looking in the Photo Gallery and entering my user name in the search box.


Thanks JonB,
I will take a look.
But I am not just after full rebuild stuff.

Running and maintaining are equally important

Well there’s some stuff there that you might find useful. The main jobs I have done to my car so far:

  • Buying a Plus 2
  • Front end overhaul, new uprights and all bushes. A discussion on trunnion and upright replacements.
  • CV shafts fitted at rear / back end overhaul (bushes)
  • Rear hub bearing replacement
  • Adding relays to the lighting circuit (S130 had no relays other than starter motor and horn)
  • Front wheel alignment
  • Replacing differential oil seals
  • Fixing leaks (rain water)
  • Reconditioning the front grille using galvanised chicken wire (no, really!)

Hi I might be able to help full documented rebuild photos from this to this pm me if I can be any help thanks

The car just before I bought it

This is WIP. If it’s of interest I can give you original images.


Kevin, that’s a great idea! At the very least, I’d eagerly buy the book. And if I can help with source material, you’re welcome to it.

Here is my online gallery for the car. I hereby grant you permission to use any images in it.


For me it will probably never be a ‘full’ restoration as I don’t see myself getting into all the work of correcting the stress cracks and re-spraying, but I do want to turn a sorely neglected car into a very usable, enjoyable driving machine. And I know that project-cars are NEVER truly ‘finished,’ and a lifetime of fettling with it to keep it at its best is something I’m looking forward to.

I haven’t got much of use, my photography skills are really quite poor :stuck_out_tongue: Good luck with the project and look forward to seeing the book :smiley:

Hi Kevin. I’m with ‘The Veg’ I would be an eager purchaser once complete.

Meanwhile, I will dig around for photos of good resolution of various Plus 2’s I’ve located in Australia over some years. Am I to assume we can provide them via the website - whittlebooks.com

Thanks Jonesa

An update on the book.
I am assembling the pages of the book as I go. At the moment I am at page 112, all is A4 format, all ready for the printer.

I am in need of some more photos
Does anyone have photos of Gerry Ashmores racing Plus 2 ??
Or any race reports or programmes where he is listed. I have spoken to Gerry, but he is very far from being a well man.

I also need photos of the Lotus 5 speed gearbox out of the car

I would also welcome any owners re build story, with jpegs

I will of course make full reference to the source of the story and any photos.
Please help to make this a comprehensive record of a very fine car

Here’s one of the Gbox. I have others somewhere.


Excellent, thanks Vince

Hello Kevin, over the last year i’ve gone from picking up this very worn out stalled project

To a fully fit car which will be on the road in a couple of weeks. I’ve done everything myself bar the engine machining and recovering the front seats and have loads of photo’s.

Some of the story can be found here:

How many would you like?

5-Speed - Rebuilding-Upgrading-Fitting.pdf (1.14 MB)

John :wink:

Hi John,
Just what I need !
How about 32 images showing the whole process, including before and after at each significant stage.

I need jpegs or tiffs, at 1 to 3 mb per image but sent in a number of emails please

If you embed them with text I have problems with my dtp programme !
Thanks for your kind offer of help

if you pm me your email address I’ll see what I’ve got…

John :wink:

I can dig out a few of the 5 speed with covers off if you’d like?

Yes please mbell
Many thanks