is it the usual haynes jobbie? if not what is recomended? and where do you source items? usually have a reproduction of the Lotus Workshop Manual in stock. The parts books (available new from any of the usual Lotus classic parts dealers) is pretty useful too.
Try Paul Matty, SJ Sportscars, Christopher Neil, etc in the UK. For the twincam Burtons, QED, Wilcox, etc etc
The manuals appear on Ebay but you can get them new from about ?20. You should also look to get a Parts list, the exploded drawings are a great addition to the manual.
Alaric has scanned both manual and parts list. If you have a good Internet link, PM me your address and I can send you a copy of the parts list but it’s 16mb.
I have the original +2 Workshop Manual.
Miles Wilkins, Lotus Twin-Cam-Engine,
and Brian Buckland’s, Rebuilding of a Lotus Elan.
I am interested what the Parts List gives in addition to these.
I have sent you a PM.
Hi Mike.
Zipped files received OK.
Thanks, much appreciated.
replys useful thanks ,i do have original manual came with my car,was wondering if another manual may be simpler…not that im simple…
Hi rocket.
I would recommend Brian Buckland’s book, Rebuilding of a Lotus Elan.
It’s a addendum to the Workshop Manual and has lots of pictures on disassembly/reassembly with lots of informed tips.
It can be obtained via Club Lotus, for the reduced price of ?50. You may have to be a member.
I have found it most useful on my +2 full restoration project.
All the best with yours.
Hi Mike.
My e-mails to you have failed, so I have sent you a PM.