Hi John, Bob, Gene, Mathew
Thanks for your posts, I read and printed them out and took them into the garage, crawled around the footwell and behind the dash for over an hour.
Having started this thread i thought i should contribute some more, and as you know, nothing is ever simple. The four wires arriving at the switch are: grn/blu, grn/brn, grn/red and grn/w. With ignition on, grn/w is live.
By connecting wires to each other in the car I (thought) could see which wire did what.
On the bench I can wire the switch so that: grn/w to grn/blu = slow wipers on first click of switch, and with the same wiring: grn/w to grn/brn = fast wipers on second click of switch.
When grn/red is connected the wipers will park.
(All done witha small 12 battery and bulbs)
BUT, when wired in the car, no slow… fast yes and park yes.
As I said earlier, I took the switch apart, I was very careful when I took it apart… obviously not careful enough! even though the circuitry looked like it should work on the bench, (the bench … again!) in the car it wouldn?t.
SO, I thought, right, what have I to lose? (I still have a fuse between solenoid and battery lead) I put the switch back together purposely the wrong way round (not upside down, but with internals swapped left to right). AND HEY!! the bleedin? thing worked perfectly! Oddly, and I don’t remember this from before, the wipers now park on the driver?s side…UH?!
In conclusion.
I ?tinned? the terminals inside the switch with a soldering iron to make better contacts and carefully bent the ‘rockers’ to make better contact.
The (new?) wiring of the switch is:
(looking from above- see diagram)
top/off: contacts 3 & 4
middle/slow: contacts 2 & 4
bottom/fast:: contacts 2 & 1
top position/off: grn/blu and grn/red
middle position/slow: grn/brn and grn/red
bottom position/fast:: grn/brn and grn/w
self parks with these connections.
Sorry the above is a bit long winded, but I hope it might be useful to others. I also hope that it’s correct!
Shows how that elusive electricity can be a real bugger to us mere mortals!
Anyway, thanks chaps, happy ME!