Windshield frame

Hi I’m working on a 65 elan S2 convertible at the shop where I work. I dont know a lot about these cars. Ive been having a great deal of trouble getting the windshield frame to fit the body of the car. Also to get the windshield to fir the frame. I was wondering if any body could please help me out with instructions of how to install the frames. Things like where and how the mounting points are. They are both new, not original so im wondering if maybe the quality of aftermarket parts isnt good for these cars. Im very new in the lotus elan world but have been restoring other cars for years. Any help or advice would be greatly apreciated thanks for your time… Justin

I have never taken mine apart so can’t help with details but here’s a few threads from the past about windshields that may be of some help.


Thanks for those links. I was wondering though if anyone has ever seen this… the windshield frame seems to wide for the car. Naturally it is almost 2 inches too wide. I can force it to take the proper shape but then the windshield doesnt fit… This seems like a major problem to me. Hopefully someone has seen this problem before… Any information would be appreciated… Thanks… Justin

It wouldn’t surprise me if the replacement parts don’t fit properly.

The guy who restored my S2 in the early 80’s bought new bumpers and they were such a bad fit he ended up repairing the old ones because it was less work then getting the new ones to fit. I still have them in my garage.

It’s possible you have an S3/4 surround?

I would be contacting the supplier about them.



The new windscreen frames available in England are a nightmare to fit as the bottom part that runs between the two uprights is completely the wrong shape to fit the windscreen and body. To get the correct fit takes alot of time cutting and refibreglassing the bottom part to acheive the correct shape. Mine was fitted by a body shop and they had a very difficult time in doing it. I Think the way to go about it is to bolt the frame on at the side pillars and then work along the bottom part temporarily fixing it to the body and reworking it as you proceed.
Best of luck can send some photos later of the fixings if you want



some pictures would be a great help… The windshield is from england and i, pretty sure the frame is. Justi when you bolt the brackets to the body it distorts the frame so bad it wont fit…


any pictures or more help??

hi Justin
dug out some photographs but not sure how much help they will be. The problem with my frame was that the bottom cross part was too long and not the correct shape, but the top cross piece was ok as can be seen on the unpainted body. I remember fitting the side bolts and the bottom cross part just about fitted in the body recess but eventually I cut the part in the middle to get a better shape.
The bottom cross piece is attached to the scuttle with 8 no. nuts and bolts I think 1/4 inch dia.
As long as the top cross piece is the correct length I think it is just a long job cutting and reglassing the bottom part to get the correct shape to suit the window and the body.
Hope this helps



Thanks for those pictures. Ill have to try thats out… Thanks everybody on here for all the help… Its my first time on this forum and it wont be my last… Ill make sure to post some pics when the car is done…
