Hi there,
I have followed several threads recently about resprays-indeed my own S130 is currently stripped for a respray.Talking to PM and Sue Miller yesterday I believe that the front silver windscreen surround is no longer available.Question is then,how are those currently respraying cars getting round the problem? Maybe there is a big shed somewhere with very smart,but screen-less cars in,awaiting a new supplier of the surround?
Martin B
I understand that the various UK parts suppliers are trying to source a new supply of windscreen trims for late +2s - they are currently out of production (I think I got lucky and got the last one available last autumn when I needed to repair my windscreen). I think you can still get them from Dave Bean in the US but they are expensive compared to the price that was quoted by the UK suppliers when they were available.
Basically the choice is to go for the expensive US option or wait for them to be available in the UK for an unknown length of time and unknown cost…
…and then once you’ve got it it’s a case of trying to find someone who is prepared to fit it and that you can be confident that they will do a good job (I was quoted from between ?250 to roughly ?600 just to fit a pre-supplied screen and surround with the old windscreen already out - in the end I did it myself)