Window Brushes/Weather Strips

Can anyone tell me where I can find the inner and outer fuzzy weather strips/window brushes for a S2 roadster? They are the 3/8 (8mm) tall bead-on-one-side type.

Also, regarding the trim strip that runs along the top of the door that holds the weather strip: How is it held to the door? Some type of clips I suppose.

Thanks for the help


Try Woollies (Peterborough, UK):

I bought some weatherstrip for an S3/S4 (not sure if it’s the same as S2) and the clips from there - fast delivery & very reasonable (no, I have no connection with them!). I think it was not exactly the same as the original (slightly deeper perhaps) but it did fit…

:arrow_right: Matthew

Darren - From your post - I presume you have the chrome piece which attaches to the door itself with a small screw at the back and the jamb-fit piece of metal at the front that screws into the door itself on the inside. If so - that’s good because that’s the hard part to find. It has an “F” shaped cross section. I got my fuzzy strips from Don Tingle in the US,- although he is going out of business sometime. They are held in with 5 clips on each side. I put the clips on the fuzzy strips first and then put put them onto the chrome piece. Takes about 2 minutes once the door interior is off. I would imagine all the usual suspects would stock these fuzzy strips.
Good luck
Paul Zimmerman
65 S2.

Thanks Paul. Very enlightening. I got my trim pieces from one of the usual suspects, but they weren’t NOS, but fabricated. They have an “L” cross section rather than “F” which explains a few things.

I’ve checked with the big suppliers, but nobody has a source on the right weather strips. Unfortunately MacGregors don’t either, who are a major source of that type of stuff for all Brit cars here in Canada.



My 66 S2 was incomplete on the exterior door finisher stip. I have what I think is one original piece, but it has 3-screw holes in it. I’m intrigued with your statement that there is a front end jamb-fit piece. I know my car doesn’t have them and I don’t recall ever seeing this piece on another car, but there aren’t too many S2’s in my area. Would it be possible to get a photo of this piece?


I searched the S2 parts book, the S2 shop manual, and the D. Bean catalog, and I can find no reference to the elusive F- of L-door strip anchor? Can someone please detail what it looks like, how it works, what to call it, and who might have 2?


Bill - Sorry, but my car is in Cincinnati and I’m in Switzerland!! There was a small bobbin or a plastic hole insert, I believe, located about 2 inches below the top of the door and about 2 inches back from where the window rail exits the door. The metal piece was about 1/2 inch wide and 1-1.5 inches long. It wedged in between the fuzzy strip and the f-shaped chrome piece at the top -and- the metal piece and had a hole at the bottom that a pan-head screw went thru into the bobbin. Not very high tech, to say the least. My door has matching (well, close to matching) numbers (vs the chassis) written in the inside off the door with grease pencil - so I preume it’s original, but then again - you know Lotus!
There was only 1 screw holding the f-shaped chrome piece: a small #2 self tapper at the back on the top just behind the window. No other screws or evidence of screw holes on the outside of the body. The replacement chrome piece that I had for the right side was L-shaped: I ended up using silicone adhesive to hold it on to the body as it wasn’t stable enough on it’s own. The f-shaped one was a nice tight jamb fit to the top of the door body and the screw and metal piece hold it nicely.
Good luck