Yes they do work well. You’ve inspired me, your simple application is great and it’s a good winter project for me.
May I interject a trivia question? What car manufacturer “invented” the wind blocker?
A good question, I don’t know, probably one the big money makers like Bimmer, Jag, or perhaps mazda (MX5), who knows… But they are worth the effort to build/install on your elan.
Looks like an excellent idea.
What’s the mesh usually used for? Does it have some other use?
Knowing what it’s normally used for might make the search for some a little easier.
Sorry guys… got so excited telling you about the blocker I forgot to detail the mesh, just head to Kmart/Walmart or wherever there’s an Auto store and grab a couple of side window sun shields/shades, ($15.00AU) you know, the ones you use to protect the kids in the back seat of the limo.
Mazda MX5 is fitted with quite a stiff perforated plastic and not sure where you would get some wide enough to suit the elan… the screen mesh works well, looks good, and is transparent.
Yes I agree, they do. The Miata is probably the most fun per penny pinching mile convertible available in the USA. I know there are others that outperform it (Boxster) but think what the Miata’s heritage is, no wonder they handle so well. Mazda makes several very fun sports cars that don’t cost much to operate.
Yep, they are fun cars, my bro in law has one of the first MX5s and the bloke and his lady who live across the road from me have the very latest MX5, but boy, are they getting big and heavy, I still reckon my elan would match, or better the MX5 in the hills! As as for sexy looks, well the loti wins hands down.
A question:
Do the free ends of the blocker vibrate or flap in the wind? Just from the pictures, the ends appear unsupported.
It looks like a small project that I’ll be undertaking at some point in the near future as the Missus complains of earache with the roof down which see then generously passes onto me!!!
Sufferers of GBH earhole unite!
(This may need a little explaination to those who’s Loti journied across water)
If you take a look at the close up pics on the web page you will notice that the angle bracket vertical supports are placed to give enough stiffness to the blocker frame. The ends are not supported, but they do not flap in the wind. The tubing 0.252" OD X 0.049" Wall (6. 49mm OD X 1.26mm wall) is quite stiff.
The wings, or outer sections also reduce or taper, and then curve in shape with the body work.
You could if you wanted, make small support brackets for the outer part of the blocker, but it was designed to enable quick install/removal, the less fiddling around the better.
I understand totally about the ear ache you suffer.