Will S1/S2 doors fit an S4 sprint

looking at saving weight on the car for rallies, will S1 doors fit an S4 sprint?
I figures sliding windows and no elec motors and no frame may save some weight.

any ideas?

Hi Ray,

S1 & S2 doors have a different shape where the door notch turns upward just behind the upper hinge point. If you look at some of the photos in the Gallery you’ll see what I mean. S1/2 doors are angular here whereas the S3/4/sprint doors have a radiused bend, (-presumably to reduce the possibility of stress fractures?? or maybe ease of molding??).

Nice idea though! :bulb:

I am after some S2 door components so if you know of a supply for these items listed in the Wanted section I would be willing to discuss. ( :open_mouth: Creepers! think of the cost of DHL!!! :open_mouth: )

:arrow_right: PM me if this is the case.



The difference is even greater than what Barney described. The front edge of the later doors (the edge that angles back) lines up with the windscreen pillar. The front edge of the earlier doors lines up 3 or 4 inches forward of the pillar. The two doors are not even close.

Not to be facetious, but I’d even wonder if they would fit an S1-S2 :laughing:

thanks guys, working on a new project (read basket case) but planning a fast road car and as light as possible.
Lokks like the doors stay but will probably pull out the glass and motors and use perspex slid ups like the early elans
