Does anyone know of a source for the Robinshaw and Ross book and the Miles Wilkins book on fiberglass?
:rolleyes: Hi, I am also looking for these books if anyone can help, many thanks Martin
Both are longish out of print and becoming difficult
Much of the relevant info from Miles’ book is available on (The site acknowleges his source)
Hope that helps
By the way, we need a good authoratative and up to date book on the Elan Any budding authors out there
Both books do come up on ebay. I have recently purchased 6 differing volumes from the Osprey Classic Car Restoration Series (Wilkins book on glass fibre is no. 3). The Robinshaw/Ross book will take a little longer and they normally cost a lot.
Another possible source is a specalist car book seller. I know the one at Silverstone has various volumes from the Osprey series. ( ).
As a footnote I have had both books for several years and they cannot be recommended enough !
Try this site:
The twink book is being reprinted by…?community=Cars
Brand new and $24
Wow the Lotus books site looks good Brian
I wonder where they get them and why can’t the likes of Amazon? They even list R&R!
[b]QUOTE[/b] (nebogipfel @ Jun 22 2004, 06:03 PM) |
Wow the Lotus books site looks good Brian
I wonder where they get them and why can’t the likes of Amazon? They even list R&R! |
Ah that explains it…