Who's going to Castle Combe?

Hi everyone,

I’m working hard to get my red +2 ready for the big day out in the Wiltshire sunshine on Saturday 27th - Anyone else who’s going please post here and we can all meet up.
If it all comes together I’ll be in a red S130/5 with the reg letters AHK (otherwise it’ll be a eurobox!).

Best wishes,


I am planning to go in my beast; I am not planning to go on the track but will enjoy the 3 hour drive up :slight_smile:

I am just taking it so Si can critic it as I know he is dieing to :slight_smile:

Si please bear in mind before you see it that it is still a work-in-progress :slight_smile:

See you there


I will be there in my S4 and doing some track work as well. Looking forward to meeting up with some fellow listers.

I’ll be there, and venturing onto the track, providing the new silencer is quiet enough!

Scruffy red +2 with grey roof. OBR 502 H

  • Iain

I’m probably going.
Yellow/white FH Sprint XCL137L

Yup - I’ll be there… silvery/blue +2 130s… may not venture onto the track after some fairly costly repairs after some very ‘hot’ laps last year - and as I use the thing every day, it’s prob not wise…! but I’ll prob give in to temptation!

Almost certainly going.


can somebody give me further details on the day at castle combe, such as start times as well as cost to take the elan on the track? It would be much appreciated.



I’ll be there from mid morning (ish)!!Whats the plan??How does one identify other lotuselan.net people??

If you see a scruffy golf with a big notice in the windscreen saying"Parts wanted for series 1 Elan"…that’ll be me!!

Hoping to put faces to names,and half hoping to meet mike brotherhood(elite specialist)

Perhaps we should get some forum mechandise made. T-shirts, dumper stickers etc.

This may be a bit late but I have just made a banner you can put in your car to identify yourself.
lotuselandotnet.pdf (45.5 KB)

Well it was a great day at castle combe if rather wet !

Nice to be able to put names to faces and cars

Is it ok to post up some photos I took of the day ?

please post…

Ok here they are:-

Roy Fellows +2 (PMS Parts Chap)

Liked the door mirror on this Elan, no drilling. :smiley:

A screen rubber in an s130

Shot from the way home …Sorry Jason !

Thanks Matt

At least you can see I drove my +2 the 170 miles there and 170 miles back :smiley: The beast ran like a dream, how was the Mondeo? :laughing:

I want to see you in the +2 next time :slight_smile:

Here are a few of the pics I took, I took them before it pissed down, sorry Matt none of you in your Eurobox :laughing:


I had a great day but pity about all the rain in the afternoon. It was my first time round castle coombe so my first few laps were a geography lesson. I was very pleased with the performance of my Elan and we could have been a lot quicker if I knew the circuit better, more tuning of the nut behind the wheel needed. It was good to put some more faces to the names. I also picked up my copy of Brian (elanman) book. Very impessive it is too. See you again at Classic Le Mans.

Quite a few with weak vacuum systems here it seems… hehehe :slight_smile:

Still, shame I was stuck here in Norway…

Mine will be ready for Silverstone Classic Race Event Fri/Sun 28/30 July Got me place on the lotus stand book so I guess it better be !

Was really impressed with your car jason it looked cool being nice and low all round.
I want the spyder back end like you have got, will check it out more at Silverstone when I can look at it more without getting soaked !

Thanks, I think I win the prize for lowest +2 of the day :smiley: It really loves the speed humps.

I meant to hunt you down actually and ask about the height of your +2… I’m trying to sort new suspension for mine (the silver/blue one you took a picture of with the dodgey vacuume tank!) as I think it’s a little too high (and the rear suspension’s knackered anyway…)

What do you have on yours - is it new, or just low because of very tired springs?!

Ha, my rear end seems to have found a few admirers :laughing:

To be honest I have not taken the wheels off since I bought it last year, I have been to busy on the wiring.

I know it is a Spyder chassis as the PO had to buy a new rear Spyder wishbone as it broke on my test drive :smiley:

I will remove a rear wheel and take a pic ASAP for you guys.
