I painted my Sprint last year, and was determined to get the best wax job I could find (although Zainos is technically not a wax.) After doing my due dilligence on the web, I ran across Zaino Bros. products. I even Googled “Zaino” “bad” and could find nothing bad about it on any website. The Zaino’s home site has pictures of cars with the product applied, and the one that sold me has a real goose pecking at its own reflection in a Zainoed paint job. Now that’s a mirror finish!
The bad news… it ain’t cheap! I’m on my second bottle of the stuff in a year; it lasts for months. In my research, I also found that the “pros” don’t towel-dry a car after washing… they use a leaf blower! No streaking!
I was given a pack of Auto Glym products from the dealer when I purchased my sprint.
Have found it as good or if not better than other products available in
New Zealand
i thought i would weigh in on this discussion…there is probably a few opinions on whats best…having used zymol in the past with great results i was looking for something a bit easier to apply…went to a car show and got a sample of meguires’ new tech wax…actually a polish and thought id give it a try…very impressed…nice gloss and glow and was very easy to apply. new polish technology is leaving wax behind !!!
Autoglym gets my vote, gives as good a shine as anything I’ve ever used, is reasonably priced, easy to apply and take off, even though you may need to use it a couple of times more a year than the really expensive Zymol / Swissol products.
I have to say, the latter give an unbelievably good finish, but I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than pay that price…
well guys —the best wax I have found for fiberglass is------------[drum roll]---------pledge lemon scented furniture polish in a spray can ----used it for years --its carnuba wax easy to apply-- wont build up and dull that nice finish----my race car always looked good at the track and the ?lan sparkles-and smells that fresh lemony scent that drives the ladies wild -if this gets out the car wax business is finished ------- -really – ed
up here in dat lumber camp in de north we don’t need deodorant --and we don’t read instruction or ask for directions either --real men are we —we cut wood all day and wax the Lotus in panties and a bra — ed -