There are three basic types of cars available today: a “New” Elan, a road version, and the basket case.
A “New” Elan is an Elan that has just been completely restored. All components are new or recently rebuilt. These cars are expensive, but are better examples than left the factory. You can treat this type of car as a Brand New 1960’s vehicle. If you plan on having someone else maintain the vehicle and want a great car with minimal maintenance (compared to the other Elan choices) then this is a good approach. As stated this is an expensive approach, but a viable one.
The second choice is a road version. These are cars that are on the road and are in a driveable condition. These cars vary from a car that completed a restoration several years ago to a car that is barely alive. One rule of thumb for Loti, buy the most car you can for your money. The more expensive the car, the better shape the car is in. Loti need to be maintained and any neglect will cost you. The key item, is why is the car being sold? Most owners of Elans plan on being buried with their cars. Sometimes, financial issues or other requirements force the sale, but then these cars usually exchange hands to other knowledgeable Loti owners or wannabe owners. If the vehicle is being sold for other reasons, then what is wrong with the car? Does it need a chassis replacement? Any road going cars will need to be inspected by an experienced Lotus facility. An experienced Lotus facility is not the local dealer. In most cases the local dealer is only interested in selling the newer Loti. Check the credentials of the Lotus facility. Do they routinely work on Loti? Check with the local club members or ask on the various mailing lists. There are great cars out there, but there are the others. Picking the wrong car will take away the enjoyment of a great car. In fact picking the wrong car can be only a couple of steps from a Basket Case.
The Basket Case. A basket case is any car not running to someone else’s project that was never completed. The car could be found deteriorating in a field or in boxes in a garage. This can be enjoyable, but keep the following in mind:
- There always more parts missing
- The job will take at least twice as long as anticipated
- It will cost twice as much as anticipated
- You will need a marriage counselor before the job is finished
The great things about an Elan is that they are infinitely repairable. There are numerous part sources, including from Lotus. Almost any part can be purchased new, rebuilt, or in used condition. Complete body shells and chassis can be bought from Lotus. If you decide to take on a basket case as your first Elan, then the following comments will be helpful:
- Collect all the technical information as possible. Obtain the workshop manual. Join the local Lotus Club. Sign up for the Lotus mailing list. *Visit this site. You can not have to much information.
- Do you feel you have the dedication to complete the project. If not, spend the extra money on a running car.
- Develop a logical orderly process to do the job.
- Label, Label, Label, and take Pictures, take pictures and take pictures.
- Have a defined workshop, you can use for an extend period of time.
- The workshop should be at least big enough for one car, two is preferable.
- Insure the car with restoration insurance.
- Do you have the right tools.
- Get a fire extinguisher.
- Determine what you can do, what your new Lotus friends can do and what you will send out.
- Get into a support group. Join the local Lotus Club. They provide great information, will assist you, help you drown your sorrows when you find your Elan has a rusted frame, will make fun of you, etc…
Well if we have not scared you off yet, then this website, will guide you on your journey. The most important part of buying an Elan is to ask for assistance from the local club. Your club members will always go look at another older Elan. They are a wealth of information, and probably know the history and status of most Elans in the region. Besides, it is a great way to meet new friends and get out of the house occasionally an sneak down to the pubs to talk about the car that got away.