Which Component Is It?

In my Lotus Elan Sprint 1971 it is missed. I am talking about a component fixed at the body near the Weber 40, under windscreen. It is connected with a tube running to the other size and going inside of the car on the left side. It has some electrical connecctions too. What is it?

Please replay to may email [email protected] as well.

Tahnk you.
Modena - Italy


How about the starter solenoid???


I’ll second that. :slight_smile:


Windscreen washer pump, maybe?

A battery cable (going to starter solenoid) could appear (from a photo) to be a tube. Doesn’t the cable run sideways, just behind engine, then disappear into car’s interior on left side?

Is the tube in the original question known to be a tube, or is that an assumption based on an image?

I’ll second that, the main battery cable looks pretty similar to the vacuum tubes between the headlamp units and the vacuum switch on the dashboard. :slight_smile:

The only tubes that ran through the fire wall on my elan were the vacume for the headlamps and the washer fluid supply


So what is the answer? Inquiring minds want to know. :slight_smile:

:wink: Starter Solenoid, without a doubt.

Frank Howard
'71 S4 SE