It looks like my 72 Sprint is missing the rear seat I was pushing my car around in the garage and when I pushed on the headrest, the whole seat lifted up and pivoted on the front mounting, just like a 2 door car with folding front seats.
I figure I either got Graham Arnold’s car that had the kiddie seat in back, or there is a bracket missing to hold the seats in place. The passenger seat does the same thing. If this is original, it sure doesn’t seem safe!??
Looks like it has the wrong seats, all baby elan seats were of the fixed type. You mention a headrest, as far as I’m aware, there were no Elan’s made with headrests. A picture of your seat would confirm for us,
As many of the Elans had water leaks, some of this moisture would wind up on the floor where the seat tracks are. The seat tracks would eventually rust. It appears that the PO simply tossed them, rather than replacing them. The good news is that many replacement tracks are stainless, so no matter how much your car leaks, the replacement tracks should be up to the job.
And yes, my car came from the factory with built in head rests also.
As I understand, the drivers seat is fixed and only the passenger seat tilts. My old S2 was like this in order to access at the battery that was situated behind the passenger seat. My Sprint is the same.
I have never seen an original Elan with head restraints.
I thought that all early Elans had tilting seats - it helps to fit luggage in, or ‘in the old days’ it allowed access for small children to sit astride the transmission tunnel (well, that’s how I used to travel to & from school… ). Later ones, particularly export (US) versions, have an extra lip on the seat runners that engages with a plate on the back of the seats to stop them tilting. Not sure if it all the seats have the same plates i.e. is it just the special runners that prevent tilting? My 1971 S4 was previously a US export version and has the non-tilting seats; one with headrest, one without (due to an accident a long time ago…).
Both seats in my S4 tilt and have done since new. Always understood that this was the case for all Elans and am now surprised to hear of alternative, anchored versions (export only? differing legislative requirements in other markets?)
Thanks for the picture. The seats look really cool.
The head restraints look a though they are just a pad extended from the standard seat. Please confirm if there is a metal inserts/support inside the restraints.
I have a date this coming week with a local car upholsterer specialist to discuss doing my seats as part of next winter?s projects. I shall now take a copy of the picture with me to get his opinion.
Your seats look like Federal spec seats, which I really quite like!
My '68 Elan has the standard seats without the headrests and they both tilt forwards. I can’t be sure they’re original but I’d be surprised if they weren’t.
I have also gone for the harness solution so I’m not worried about the seats tiliting anyway!
Mopho, can I ask, how are your lower harness straps fitted? I have 4 point which sit a little high and would be interested in how the lower straps fit.
Drilled through the floor and then bolted the mounting brackets with large washers underneath to spread the load. I had four point belts before and this is much better
Yes, the other belts are mounted via the roll bar mounting points. ( I’d take some snaps but the car is away at the shop for engine modifications )
The submarine belt helps keep the lap belts from riding up when I tighten the shoulder belts down, so I can keep the belts much tighter which helps a lot to keep me in place
I am not sure about how safe the way I mounted them is (does it really matter in a plastic car?), but hopefully the washers will keep the belts from pulling through the fiberglass
This is not the case, from the cars I have seen up until the Sprint the seats did tilt up, sometime around the introduction of the Sprint Lotus then fitted a bracket to secure the seats. I use this as an indication that a car is a genuine Sprint as I have never seen a non Sprint with these brackets.
Lotus may have fitted these brackets to export cars or just to Federal spec cars but I am not sure, I’m sure someone will correct me.
My S2 seats do tilt but my Sprints did not, well they do now as I removed the brackets as it makes access to the rear better.
Below is a pic of the Sprint seat securing brackets I removed.
My car is a Sprint and doesn’t have the tracks. That doesn’t mean the PO didn’t remove them. I will check and see if there are holes in the floor pan.
Does anyone in the US have a set of brackets they don’t want anymore?