Not heard from Keith (type 36 owner) for a while…are you still there?
Not heard from Keith (type 36 owner) for a while…are you still there?
Uhmm … that’s type26owner, Mark. You don’t want Keith taking you to task, do you!
I guess nothing on the list has caught his eye recently?
…did he sell the Lotus and keep the Corvette?
nopE I just e mailed him ----he is poed at the rude answers he has recieved --and rightfully so -----as am I but Ill stay — ed
Dropped Keith a line last week and he said the same to me. Hope he comes back. We may not all agree with each other but we all want to help.
I’ll jump straight into this kettle of fish what with Hitler and Bush and France and Miatas and all. Some of us, myself included seem to go overboard when proving a point.
With face to face conversation, voice inflection and a glance can tell when we’re kidding, reading the written word is whole different deal. (Emoticons DIE.)
There have been many times where I’ve been dismayed, even really offended by what I’ve read here, (see above subjects, almost none related to Elans) some tactfully indirectly pointed at me, but SO WHAT ? So someone expressed their view, ohmygod. We’re just a bunch of people with a lovable common interest, egos come, egos go…
what you say is very true ----but I meant what I said about Bush —I was kidding about Miatas – --ed
… you think I was talking about you…
well I wasn’t
I agree it can be difficult to understand the tone of just the written word. Also this is an international site and different cultures have a different take on humour and sarcasm. “Britain and America, two countries separated by a common language” I am a Brit working for an American company so I know all too well about these differences
Personally I like to see a bit of banter along side all the dry techincal stuff and if you can’t take a joke you shouldn’t have joined
no 64 I didnt think you were meaning me ------btw —if you are so pro Bush—whos typing this for you ??? ed
…that’s what I Really don’t understand about You tcman, what makes you think I’m pro Bush??? I never voted for him or his father and never would consider it. … and what does that have to do with Elans?
ok chill —I m just making a joke ----[my wife typed this] --im bored waiting to get the lotus out and fix things — ed
…your wife types for you??? ((I never realised you were sexist as well as a…))…
oh yes —a very LARGE…[…] ------but that ends April 1st when the cars come out of moth balls -=---- ed
oh yes a VERY large …]]…------but that helps when the green flag drops — ed
wait a minute 64 ----sorry I didnt realise I was dealing with a woman -----sorry miss ed
So where’s Keith then!!!
Gone, and from what his stated conditions were to return to the fold I doubt he’ll be back.