Where Is My Engine Number?


I just cannot find the engine number on my JPS plus2s. I have looked everywhere on the engine (it is still in the car) but must have gone engine number blind. I have also gone through these forums and google looking for something that tells me where it is, so that I do not have to suffer the embarrassment of asking here.

I found it on my other cars easily enough, but I just cannot remember where.

Go on someone put me out of my misery. Where is the bugger?

Many thanks


Berni, its on the offside of the engine, under the carbs, between the fuel pump and the distributor / oil pump, on a flat machined part of the block. You have to be a contortionist to see it though…
Elan S3

To pin it down a little more… The pad that the engin mount is bolted to projects out about 3/4 inch. The top of this pad is horizontal and that’s where the number will be. The characters are fairly tall, but thin due to being manually stamped.



Many thanks. I will get the airbox off and have a good look.


Hi Again

Found it. I never would have though, so thanks again. Talk about hard to read. Once I got the grime off they are indistinct under the paint.
