Where does the choke cable go

I’m just finishing fitting out the engine bay prior to putting the gearbox and engine in (car bought in boxes prior to rebuild). I’ve bought the engine bay grommet set and am fitting cables etc through the bulkhead. As I recall, the oil gauge feed line fed through a hole to the right of the starter solenoid (see hole without grommet in photo) but where does the choke cable go? In the photo you can see two small blind holes above what I think to be the oil pipe hole. I’m guessing that the left of these holes is probably where the choke cable should go if drilled out, does that look about right?

Also, does anyone sell an alternative to the rather dubious black plastic oil pipe to gauge

I’ve seen some tempting metal braided replacements offered … yet so far I’m still with the original translucent pipe which looks even more dubious than black pipe.

I got a braided stainless one with metal end fittings from RD in the US after my new black plastic one came off the gauge spewing oil onto my leg & the carpet.

Choke cable goes through the hole above you wiring and lip to right of the solenoid in the picture.The one you can see light through.

Oil Pressure line goes through one of the holes below the lip “in the tunnel” area

RD and Dave Bean sell replacements. They are standard AN based braided hoses with suitable (tricky to find) adapter for the block thread and BSP thread on the gauge.

If you need to be careful ordering as engine blocks had two different size take offs 1/4" (earlier blocks?) or 1/8" (later blocks). I was supplied the 1/8" fitting but ,my block is 1/4", they didn’t have the 1/4" fitting available but I was able to get a 1/4" to 1/8" form local hardware store (you’d struggle in the UK). This works but means the bend on the pipe comes in contact with the return heater hose.

OK, thanks. When you say …Oil Pressure line goes through one of the holes below the lip “in the tunnel” area…would this be to the left and same height as the top heater pipe? I have no holes there and will need to drill one so just want to make sure this is in the correct place.

If you do a search in the Photo Gallery using the string “Engine Bay” you will see pictures like:

Mine goes through at what feels like the same height as the lower heater hose, half way between the house and the corner.

Did your car originally have a electronic one which your replacing?

On my 1968 +2, the choke cable is as photo.

The dash coke position has a metal plate with a hole that has a flat on it. This allows the coke cable to be pulled out and then turned to lock it in position.

My Oil gauge has an electric cable, so not the same as yours.

My car was largely in bits when I bought so I’m not really sure if it originally had a electric gauge but by the lack of a hole for the oil pipe perhaps it was

What year is it? Late cars had a mechanical gauge, but earlier cars had electrical, not sure if early car also has mechanical.

You probably have the explanation there, it’s a 1972 car, engine / interia but with an early shell. I guess someone wrote off the body and bought a used shell. That could explain why I have mechanical gauge but no hole for the oil pipe. Still based on the info above I now know where to drill a hole.

Two pics showing oil pipe on my 72 +2 when disassembled.
