when the looting starts, the shooting starts

m.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR … e=youtu.be

Hope y’all are okay

i truly hope the world finds its equilibrium before too much longer


good work DJT

I noticed in that clip that his hair was silver rather than its normal blonde colour.

Must’ve run out of dye.


Not a great thing thats going on, I hope D.T. News media (which now has almost $1b) gets put in the spotlight. All those that have contributed are investigated and on the “black” list.
I sure hope it roots out the majority of the rude ignorant proud boys.

Putin and Xi must be crying with laughter.

sure hope Deep Throat gets the boot first thing in the morning, before he pushes the wrong button.
the middle east has enough problems

Enough of the political opportunism. Your concern is appreciated, but this is not the moment for attempting to score points, thank you. Lotus-talk, on the other hand, always timely.

Why post this?

We are all aware of what is happening via the rest of the internet - not needed on this site.

Fair enough

Not sure how things are reported (Australia), and what’s known are accurate. Was hoping some friends in the States can shed some light for the rest of us.

Nuclear clock was moved up again, that is not worth discussions here?

Try https://www.bbc.com/

Why are we talking American politics on a Lotus car site.
I thought we left that garbage outside this sacred site.

Fixed that for you and the rest of us.

Why Not?
The latest delusional rantings from the Orange Buffoon are worth noting if only in derision.

There is lots of Europe talk here, Canada and Australia are probably not going to have an effect, or affect the entire World.
Nuclear, and this incredible time does.
In my opinion, Covid and DT are the biggest factors on society since WW2. These have an affect and will effect everyone.

BBC, like CBC are biased news organizations. If not both fake news.

Not trying to be a conspericy theorist. Let’s be fair, who’s reporting is correct, and unbiased? I highly doubt even the Guardian or Democracy Now has zero agenda, or zero neutrality. At least they seem to publicize trump facts.

Finally, trying to understand Canada’s politics is difficult enough. Let alone trying to figure out the USA, which truly holds >93% of Canada’s economy.

For the first time since 9/11, I watched CNN and others on the internet (this I never do) I didn’t get to sleep till the sun came up. Mainly because trump still has launch codes.

Again, for me. This is a huge deal that I dont fully understand. In hopes that some friends within the USA have insight.

Lighten up.
It is unfair to criticise those who so post in this section (which is specifically reserved for non-Lotus topics) especially when the subject is topical, significant and entertaining.

If you just want to know what happened, ask, no problem discussing facts - I’m only offended by the use of the opportunity to make political statements at a time when they are, at best, useless and, at worst, inflammatory. We do not need inflammatory.

As to what happened, it is pretty simple.

A large group of people feel without a voice and disenfranchised by what they perceive to be corruption and unfair elections. Whether that has basis is rather irrelevant at the moment, but will be important at some point. It is rather obvious that this perception has been at least amplified by the incumbent president and some of those who are (or wish to be) close to him.

A quite large (10s of thousands, maybe 100k or more) felt disenfranchised enough to go to DC to protest what they perceived as an unfair election. The incumbent president, rather than working to diffuse the situation, again amped up the crowd.

Some small percentage of that large group, likely a combination of agitators, nutjobs, and (I’m just guessing here) some good folks on too much adrenaline, make a highly ill-informed choice to try to take over the US Capitol Building, presumably to disrupt legislative body action on the electoral college votes for the next president. This subgroup moved from protest to riot or insurrection or whatever you want to call their violence. These folks were dealt with swiftly and apparently severely (current reporting is 4 deaths, multiple injuries, and lots of arrests). I loathe the deaths and pray for the impacted people and families, but I believe a forcible response is completely justified and appropriate when individuals or a group attempt forcible entry and takeover of a government body (or, for that matter, a private business or community).

I have high praise for the LE response and for the reassembly of elected officials to complete their business within hours. I also have high praise for any and all who helped de-escalate and who kept follow-on violence overnight to a minimum. Let’s hope that de-escalation continues to be the focus and continues to be successful.

It is in the free parking section after all, which is open to any reasonable discussion of any topic.

If you want to only look at Lotus content, You don’t need to read free parking if you don’t want to.


Yep, you’re correct Rohan .
I didn’t realise there was a Forum for off Lotus subjects.
I do now.