Wheel Arches

Can anyone shed some light of the wheel arches on the S2 shown?
Are they 26R flares?


Greetings Peter,
My first inclination was no, not 26R flares. I then looked up three pictures in the library and now I’m not sure… they could be?
Page 126 of the Robinshaw Ross Lotus Elan Book shows a “26R” in the paddock at Silverstone in 1964 and that car looks very similar. The rear arches in both photographs are not straight on… that view would help determine a difference. I went out and eyeballed my stock S1 arches and the fronts are definitely different… the rears, ???
This will be an interesting discussion.

Have you got any better photos? Car outside, different angles?

The most characteristic feature of the 26R arches you commonly see is that the front bumper is cut short rather than extending as far as the arch (eg here: lotuselan.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=17586)

As you say, however, you do see both in period photos like the one in Robinshaw and Ross.

The 26R was first homologated with a 5.5in rim and only in November 64 with a 6in rim - I wondered if perhaps those wider arches were only developed for the later wider wheels ?


I can’t tell without some other views from other angles but to me they look fairly stock. The front may have been cut some and the center of thge arch raised. The rear looks ok at the front of the arch but the rear seems to be somewhat squared off a bit. The photos of the green S2 (26/4020) was fliped and rotated so its not a direct comparison but its better than trying to look at two different photos. The shell is setting on a rolling chassis without any weight to compress the springs which would change the appearance.

Are they made of fibreglass or filler :question: :wink:

:arrow_right: Matthew

I’m sending a couple more pics from different angles. It’s not my car and the pics were sent to me by the owner. I’m tire kicking right now.


Here’s another pic.


And here’s one more pic. I have yet to personally check the car out. My concern is if the wheel arches are too customized they would detract from the car’s value. They don’t look too radical but the owner doesn’t have any more details. The body apparently does have the usual stress cracks and may need re-finishing anyway.
The rear shock towers have also been modified to take narrower shock springs and accommodate wider wheels. Is this a common mod? This change doesn’t seem too severe, but would it significantly affect value?
Thanks for any feedback.


And here’s one more pic. I have yet to personally check the car out. My concern is if the wheel arches are too customized they would detract from the car’s value. They don’t look too radical but the owner doesn’t have any more details. The body apparently does have the usual stress cracks and may need re-finishing anyway.
The rear shock towers have also been modified to take narrower shock springs and accommodate wider wheels. Is this a common mod? This change doesn’t seem too severe, but would it significantly affect value?
Thanks for any feedback.


They’re fibreglass, Matthew.


There’s something strange going on with the wheels as well…can’t see through the holes. Also, they look at first glance like stock wheels, but maybe a bit wider?

Certainly not 26R, more home brew in the style of slightly wider S4. They’re not unattractive though. Yes it will certainly affect the value, but then they are fixable back to standard OR 26R, and as you’re buying, a good negotiation point.

I would price it as a project car, taking into account the need for re-finishing and fixing the arches…as well as any chassis / mechanical issues.


If by “towers” you mean the spring perches (rather than the chassis towers themselves) then yes, this is quite common and also easily reversible so shouldn’t detract from the value IMO - some might even regard it as a bonus since it avoids them having to do the mod themselves.


Thanks Mark. Yes. A project car is the way I’m feeling about it. You’re right about the wheels. They’re not stock and heavier too.



I just found this thread while looking for wheel information–this is my car!
I bought it from the ‘seller’ mentioned earlier in the thread in 2009.

The reason for the modified wheel arches and ‘odd steel wheels’-well spotted that man!- is that the car is an old racer that won the Western Canadian championship in '67, 68, and '69.

It has numerous original 26r parts including Armstrong adjustable front shocks, sliding spline drive-shafts, rear sway bar and did have an all steel bottom end until the seller b*****d that and then froze the block by leaving it in the car port pictured with no anti freeze-in Canada…At least he kept the hard top safe indoors.

I am in the process of rebuilding the car with the goal of running it in the Spring Thaw Rally here in BC in late April.

I am just about to remove the body…

"Remove the body’ of the previous owner? :smiley:

He already “disappeared” :confused:

I have discovered that I need two engine hoists to lift the body off the chassis-at least that looks like the easiest way.

I used 6 friends and a barrel of beer.

That was my original plan! However, all my friends are similar age to me and too smart to get caught in a ruse like that.

Two engine hoists is what it is going to take-I’ll save the beer for myself :mrgreen: