Ahh, the saga of the new front suspension continues…
Having fitted the new shock/trunion etc, the front right wheel is for some reason now too close to the front of the wheel arch (the ‘external’ part of the arch). It has always been a fairly close fit, but fit it has… now however, it rubs whenever the wheel is turned, and if I did it at speed, it would probably take a chunk of the wheel arch with it…
i’m really not sure how the wheel could’ve moved ‘forward’ like this?
Does anyone have any suggestion what might have caused this or how to rectify it? It has us baffled as there seems to be no way of either causing this problem (which we obviosuly have) or now fixing it…?!
What have you fitted in terms of wheels and tires? This is a head scratcher as with standard wheels and tires you should have ample clearance to all the arches, front and rear. Has the body been damaged such that the arch could be displaced rearward? How about bent control arms? If one is bent and went back in a different location it would change wheel fore/aft location. Simply replacing the trunnion and coil/damper unit should have no effect on fore/aft wheel location. Hmm, vexing.
I had some replacement bushings slip causing the control arm pivot points to move. This could cause a clearance issue like this. In my case it was the bottom ones that slipped, but if the top ones shift it will push the front top of the wheel forward.
I replaced the bushings with correct ones from RD Enterprses and it is much better.
hmm, I agree it’s a head-scratcher… my only thought is that it could be a bent wishbone… this is the only thing I can think of that might have caused it…
so… does anyone have, or know where I can get, a pressed steel front wishbone? (lower)?
Spyder do tubular ones, but that means buying for both sides and the pennies are running out!
My guess on whats going on for what its worth, a photo of exactly where the wheel is hitting and of the suspesnion would really help.
It sounds like the suspension is now slightly lower with the work you have done enabling the wheels to contact the external part of the wheel arch which previously it just fitted under
Have you compared your new shocks to the old ones to ensure the spring platforms are in identical locations with respect the chassis at the top and the suspesnion arms at the bottom and did the springs go back on the same side they came off. Plus 2 front springs sag as they are overstressed in their basis design and it sounds like yours may need replacement.