Wheel alignment - front - loading up the car

Hi All,
I could do with some advice please on how much weight to put in the car when setting the front wheel alignment.

The +2 workshop manual seems to specify that you set the tracking with a fully loaded car, i.e, 76Kg in each front seat + 36Kg in each rear + 32Kg in boot + 23Kg petrol.= approx 280Kg / 620 lb.
This seems pretty extreme !!

Most of my driving will be with 70Kg me at the wheel + 60 Kg wife navigating. - so i think i would be better off setting the car up with just our normal in passenger weight.
Has anyone else been through the came process ?
Will be very interested to hear.


what I would do is loading it the way it is mostly driven, or else the way it requires best geometry most (depending on you use and/or priorities : flat out alone, impressing the passenger-s …).

Agreed. Set it up as you would most often drive it, or as you would want the best performance.

I agree with the above.

There is such a big range of possible weights as Lotus pretended it was a real 4 seater.
Nonsense really.

Sack of sand in the boot / half a tank of fuel and normal driver + passenger weight.

Thats also how I set the corner ride heights. Unless any more learned than me tells me different! :slight_smile:

The ride height is specified rather than a load to achieve it.
Fairly detailed thread with discussion about just where to measure to and tyre sizes


When you know the loads required you can take them (sand bags?) to the garage to ballast car when then they do it.