What's This?

Hi All

Can anybody identify the the component shown in the photo below? If so please let me know what it is and its function.

I am in the process of tidying up the wiring behind the dash and found this connected up and attached to the side of the heater box.



Bit difficult without a picture but the three most likely things are the indicator flasher unit, hazard lights flasher unit, voltage stabiliser. Can’t think of any other electrical bits I have found hiding behind my dash.

See if I can attach a photo this time!

Is it one of the thermal cut-outs? Two connections suggest it is, although I thought they had plastic housings.

:arrow_right: Matthew

Ah, try that could br the resistor that gives the fan two speeds, if I am not mistaken. Forgot about that before, should look similar to the ballast resistor on the side of a coil and pretty much performs same function. Does one of the wires from it go to the heater fan?

This is a Lucas heater 2 speed resistor note will get hot/warm in use.

I agree that it is the resistor for the 2 speed fan & that it gets hot. That is why it should be screwed to the metal case of heater box. I would be tempted to put some therrmal paste on the joint as well…
