I have an ignition/steering lock which I want to fit in my Sprint as its steering lock is defective, the problem is that the one I have obtained has no key. It has a sticker on with a three digit number which I think is the key number but the code letters are missing, the ignition key from my Sprint is not original and has no code or numbers, although the key from it does go into the new lock but does not turn so the new one must have the same code as my key.
The key from my S2 is an FS code but does not go in the lock so it is not an FS code.
There are several others codes e.g. the site below lists FP/SS/FK/FS/FR/MRN/FA/TS/RL/RM/FT/FV/VM but I think the Sprints were mainly F codes,
wilcodirect.co.uk/index.php? … ts_id=3677
I went to TIMSON KEYS but they could not help.
I will try to post some pictures so can anyone identify the key code by comparing with their keys ? or could people with Sprints let me know what code is on their keys.
The Sprint’s key numbers were noted on the Works Order Sheet for each car. You probably do not have yours! However, on the Production Data page of my web site there is a link to a copy of a Works Order Sheet.
It shows that three key types came with each car:
Ignition - FR
Door - FJ
Boot - FS
Your keys do not look original to me, though I have not studied key types for Sprints - a gap that needs rectifying for the anorak part of my brain!
Thanks for that Tim, I really should study your site some more
You are right that my key is not original (think you may have mis-read my post) as I noted it was not the original key.
The ignition/steering lock was repaired a few years ago and a new key cut (no code/number) but the actual lock is the original and is giving problems again, the reason I want to replace it.
The key which was cut for the original lock fits into the new lock but does not turn so I surmised it will be the same code and from your site should be a FR code, I think I will order an FR and hope for the best.
Thanks for your help.
P.S. checked my S2 key (FS code) in the Sprint boot and although it does not turn it goes in so it looks like your code data is correct.
Your key is the same type as mine, but neither of mine has a number, although I am sure it is the FR type as Tim said.
We have a locksmith in our village so I will get confirmation from him tomorrow.
I think next door’s cat knows more about lock keys than our local man.
However, Brian, I did manage to confirm that our ignition keys are FR series.
My door key is FT (and so are the spare devices I have), and the boot FS.
What I’ve failed to identify is the petrol cap key as an F* series.
I think next door’s cat knows more about lock keys than our local man. quote]
…yes that does not suprise me…most of the “locksmiths” are not old enough to know what an Elan key is unless it was used in “Starwars” and FR was the code to a computer we have no chance!
Thanks for trying anyway, I have ordered an “FR” from WILCO and I’m sure it will be O.K. …glad we have people like Tim and his site.
Hi Everyone
I too had some difficulty obtaining a key for my Plus 2 which also has a steering lock.
As I understood thingds all the door and ignitions switches etc. on Lotus cars normally use Wilmot and Breeden Union locks (just like almost every other British car of the period) and these take the “F” series keys which can be found just about anywhere. The problems comes when a combined ignition switch/steering lock is fitted (as is also the case with my Europa Special) as this was made by Waso and as such uses a compleatly defferent type of key.
When I wanted a spare key for the Plus 2 I had real trouble finding anyone who even had a sutable blank for this, although I finally did manage to obtain one and get a key cut. I was lucky though as I still had one original key to copy from, I dont know what to suggest if you haven’t got a key at all. If it’s of any help the key from my Plus 2 has “Domminion Lock Co Montreal Canada” written on it and has code WS7. I know this was the original key which came with the car when new. I also bought a genuine Lotus replacement steering lock for the Europa circa 1990 and the keys which came with this had Waso written on them although there was no number. Maybe a google search would throw something up. (I was told some of the problems come from the fact that these locks were being made just at the time when manufactures were begining to take security a bit more seriously and as such weren’t as keen to hand out keys to all an sundry any more. Sounds possible I suspose but I’ve no idea if it’s true)
On the subject of locking petrol caps, these locks were made by L F of Telford so again they’re outside the common W&B “F” series
Hi Brian
I recall seeing something on here a while back about how to re-configure lock barrels to work with other keys. These links may help (especially the second one)
FWIW the steering lock on my car is WASO and uses an ?FR? series key with the name WASO on it.
My local so called ?locksmith? has all the key blanks to copy new keys but does not recognise the ?F? series designation. His only reference was a manual which contained the main outline of keys and a cross section of the blade to all car makes. From this manual I was able to identify all my keys against the name LOTUS, and had a key cut for the petrol cap.
I was heavily involved with Wilmot Breeden during the 70?s, and most of the lock devices were bought-in mainly from Union (Chubb) and some from Lowe & Fletcher in Willenhall, and with the first serious advent of improved security in the UK with the Ford Cortina MkIII, steering and door lock devices came from CE Marshall in Wolverhampton. It was from this time that the ?F? series keys were progressively deleted from the UK vehicles.
Lowe & Fletcher and CE Marshall eventually became part of the Chubb Group. But like so much of British industry none of it now exists.
I don?t know who makes (or made) the Elan petrol locking cap, but I doubt it was L&F in Telford. During my time L&F was set-up as an autonomous company to service the office and industrial furniture business as that operation was a disruptive PITA in Willenhall.
Thanks for the replies and advice, after discussions with WILCO apparently the number does not exist in the Wilmot & Breedon series and they cannot help,it does exist in the WASO series and the lock does bear the WASO name but these keys are much harder to source (and a lot more expensive)
I have found a supplier and now have ordered two so I will see if it works when I receive them.
Update on keys: I recieved my keys today and they work O.K. so WASO and other keys can be had from these people:
I’m coming a bit late to this particular party: the key which came with my Sprint 8+ years ago was a WASO but without any code number (no idea if this was original).
Being somewhat paranoid I just had to have a spare set of keys before I drove too far. My local “key-bloke” had blanks from a company called HD (ignition) and Silca, Italy (boot and door).
The boot and door keys, which are different from each other, are, respectively Union Wilmot Breedon FS and Union Wilmot Breedon FF.
I would not be in the least surprised to find that Chapman bought out the “barn-find” stock of some company which went under in the 1930s depression and put whatever came to hand into his cars.
I vaguely recall that my 68 S4SE had a different key for every orifice, but a screwdriver fitted them all.