What starter motor for an MT75 gearbox?

My friend is currently doing an MT75 into an elan S4 and is stuck on the correct starter motor. He has tried a few different Sierra/Scorpio etc and has the right ones regarding ring gear position but cannot find one with the solenoid on the top. the side-mounted solenoids dont clear the chassis and the solenoid under the starter is not ideal, I know he can cut off the third mounting hole and turn one upside down but there must be one that fits off the shelf. He has had someone in a spares shop trying to find something but no success. I will bet someone on here has the answer; cheers, John.

He may have to live with the Solenoid underneath. My Elan with Zetec Engine but Elan G/box has the Solenoid positioned
underneath the Starter Motor.
Yes it is open to the Elements a bit & the Handbrake inner Cable runs quite close to the Plus connection on the Solenoid
The Starter has 3 Bolt fixing but the Elan Bellhousing only 2 & has survived without any problems.
I don’t think there are too many alternatives out there & you seem to have found most if not all.
I think I’d have a go at removing that 3rd Lug if that will work; 1/2 an hours work at the most.


I have run with the solenoid on my Elan and Plus 2 under the starter ( a 3 bolt Bosch one from a 70’s escort ) for many years without problem just using the 2 Lotus mounting bolts. I had to space down the handbrake cable on the plus 2 as it is located higher on the spyder chassis. It is no problem on a standard chassis.

I never thought of cutting off the third lug and rotating it 180 degrees - I must look more closely at it :bulb: On second thought the alloy nose that carries the starter shaft has an opening in it and that opening would be facing away from the fly wheel - but maybe that can be turned 180 degrees on the starter body ?


I just spoke to another Elan.net member who reminded me of the difficulty to access the top mounting bolt with a top-mounted solenoid; I will pass this info. on, thanks guys, what a great resource this site is, cheers, John.

Aha, a good point there. I think you mean the relief in the Nose of the Starter, which I think is there to provide clearance for the Flywheel.
If the Starter is rotated through 180? another relief may be needed & that could possibly weaken the front Bearing of the Starter.
The original relief would also be pointing away from the Flywheel & thus provide less support for the Bearing.
Pure theory of course, as I don’t have a Starter in front of me to study.
