My 1971 Lotus +2 is going thru Mot test soon.
It is 35 years old here in September month. I have a letter from the Group Lotus archive that confirmes that. I would like to know what licenseplate number it had, and precisely when it was registred the first time. I need this information for the danish taxsystem.
The archive letter says:
Chassis/VIN Number 7100000500L
Lotus Invoice number 3872
Colour Bahama
Sold/left factory September 1971
Costumer’s name Mr. Harris
Selling Dealer Dickson Motors.
I have tryed to track down Dickson Motors on the web…could not find them.
Is there an Archive at the English government/office/MOTcenter i can acces thru the internet to get information on my car?
I am pretty sure this is the dealer concerned, still in business -
172 Dunkeld Rd,
+44 1738 633133
At that time the registration was not done centrally, but by each local authority. Their records formed the basis of the DVLA database, but I suspect that all that was transfered was the registration number, date and current owner at the time. I would be extremely surprised if they could find a registration from just the VIN.
If you cannot get an answer from Dicksons or the DVLA send me an email and I’ll suggest a solution that it would be better not to put in a public forum
If the car was registered in the UK you can request a copy of all the V5 registration documents (see quote fron the DVLA web site below).
I got mine back, they take about a month but the data before 1985 is a bit hit and miss due to the old paper records being tranfered to computers.
My First Licence shows my +2 is an Audi Coupe GT brought to England from West Germany???
If you do not have the registration number you are a bit stuck
Wow, An Audi Coupe GT. My first NEW car was a 1980 Audi Coupe (I think the next year they added the GT). What a great car it was. Zero problems other than the usual wear items. It was finally killed when a Cadillac t-boned it. At its demise it had over 176,000 miles. No leaks, no oil burning, it just flew along.