What is the correct Battery (AMPAGE) for a Plus 2?

Can anyone tell me what battery to buy for my Elan it is a 68 but not dynamo?


I have an 015 (320 CCA) which is a heavy duty version of an 038 (265 CCA) - both just about the same external size. The 015 has round terminal posts and is standard fitment for a Mini (proper old one) & Morris Minor. I added the round post clamps to mine - not sure what was original but round posts seem most common on replacement batteries now. I have the same battery on my 2-seater Elan. Make sure you buy the more expensive heavy duty version as it improves the electrical system no end - e.g. make up for ‘slightly’ deficient earth connections…
See barden-uk.com/powermax-autom … eries.html or Google for more details… :wink:

:arrow_right: Matthew

Thanks Mathew

Hi Kev,

I have just fitted an 015 to my +2 rebuild project and it works fine although I am running an electric fuel pump. I remember from my Dads years ago with a mechanical pump, by the time the engine has cranked to prime the carbs, there’s no current left to start it!!

Hope this helps,
