Send help.
I recently mashed two engines together, one running but leaking oil so badly my friends named my Elan the Elan Valdez, and one non running, together to create one engine that hopefully does not leak oil and runs well. It’s a 4 bolt, rope-seal engine, so maybe that was wishful thinking.
Anyways, I took the old cylinder head from the running engine and put it on a rebuilt block and crankshaft from the non-running engine. The old head has its problems - totally clapped valve guides - but unfortunately I had no time to fix that and money was also getting tight.
The old block was not bored oversize - the bores were checked for taper and ovality and found to be almost pristine, so they were just honed. The rods and pistons were reused as well but the piston rings were replaced. Piston to ring gap was on the upper edge of acceptable but still within limits. The crankshaft was reground -.010" on the main and rod journals.
After much rending of garments and gnashing of teeth over the past 3 days, I started the engine up today. I let it run between 2k and 3k rpm for about 10 minutes, and it was smoking quite badly, but I took it down the road. I did some acceleration cycles in third gear - start at 2k rpm, accelerate moderately quickly to 3.5k, then brake or coast back down to 2k. Lather, rinse, repeat for about 15 minutes. I noticed two problems: the large cloud of blueish-white smoke that was present whenever I put my foot on the gas pedal, and the fact that the engine sputtered and had almost no power if I floored it.
After about 15 minutes, a dead miss suddenly developed. It was present at all RPMs, no matter what I was doing. If I called for acceleration, it was noticeably missing on what I perceive to be one cylinder.
I arrived at my girlfriend’s house (it was closer to my location at that point), distraught. So far I have pulled the cam cover and the spark plugs. All 4 plugs are black and I’m guessing that’s from burning oil. Cam timing is spot on. Compression readings, as taken with the engine warm after the engine had been sitting for a couple of hours are:
Cylinder 1: 100
Cylinder 2: 110
Cylinder 3: 115
Cylinder 4: 110
Any and all help is appreciated. As I conduct further testing I will post updated information.
Ben Morris