What colour should it be?
BTW… thanks elancoupe
Obviously, I am biased…
Jaguar Brooklands green…? fantastic blackish dark green, even better in metallic. (but sacrilegious?)
i rather like it in black. Never seen a black elan beofre and it looks very smart… be great if you put the ‘sprint’ trim down the sides too…?!
Black cars are great if you like washing cars. I had a black car once, the damn thing never stayed clean for more than an hour. Black shows up every little spec of dust.
IMHO I think Elans look good in white. However the light blue one looks good too. Each to their own
…to my point of view a too dark car “eats” the shadow lines of doors, lamp pods and boot lid.
One colour or two-tone ? My Sprint is Lagoon blue/Gold Leaf stripe/white & have often pondered whether I would prefer the car in a single colour.
Personally one of the favourite “standard” schemes I have seen is a Not-too-garish red, all over, with black wheels. Pretty similar to one of your pictures.
Re hiding the shadow lines, if the car black - at least it’ll help hide the enormous panel gaps
I agree with the negative comments on black, I have had 2 black cars and they look lovely just after a wash but it does not last. May I suggest Lotus yellow for a single colour? My Sprint is orange and white.
You want to be careful showing you know how to model different colours in pictures on your computer.
I did that once and I then had to do about 1000 variations of kitchen colours and tiles for the planned kitchen rennovation
… If you are asking us , you will get only confusion …!
My advice will be , if you can’t choose a color , to stay with the original factory color .
This , a non-adventurous choice , will give your car a better value than other “funky” color . As second possibility , pick a color in the period Lotus color chart . Think about the interior trim too , it can help to decide .
If it’s of any help, the Blue you’ve shown is very similar to the colour of my Elan.
Many people have mentioned what a nice colour it is. The wheels & bumpers were painted in the same silver in order to keep the number of different colours to a minimun. There’s a picture of it in the gallery.
I just posted some additional photos (elan gallery) of my BRG elan that shows a wide range from almost black to light green depending on the light.
A while back I was sent a picture of an elan that was being restored and had just been painted. I have looked through my old stuff and can not find it. It was a color combination that I had not seen before and it looked really good. It was sprint style, dark green with a white bottom. If you have finished it, could you post your Elan here?? It would be worth showing.
Thanks for the feedback chaps, hot favourite was red/silver for ages, but all the comments and looking around… i’ve started looking at the dark blues.
Originally it was Audi bright racey red, but how classy is the VW blue? - darker than a Suburoooo?
Anyway, why is it that the colour becomes a really important decision when you’re still ages away from having to actually decide?!
I agree, if you dont know the original colour, paint it white… you could also add an other colour (as per Sprint) if you “really” wanted to spoil it later
Sounds like the wife talking
pistachio green…
or colorado orange (its the same colour as lambo’ are using now…cool colour…
I know of an original sprint with pistachio over white…sounds horrid looks as good as any of the other combo’s
I am just getting towards the end of my re-spray. Originally the car was white; then burnt sands and finally JPS Black.
I have now sprayed it British Racing green in a Lotus metallic finish!!
Yes I know sacrilegious but I liked it over the solid colours available.
What do you think?
This colour looks amazing…!\ and actually I had this EXACT idea in my head only yesterday! A green metallic, but a Lotus one.
What colour is it, an Esprit one?
Thanks for the positive comments - Its always a bit of a gamble when you do something different.
The colour was selected from a Lechler paint chart; Originally I was looking at the Jaguar BRG but as the Lotus section was within the same colour charts I took a look.
The colour code was A42 which I have subsequently discovered to be a Lotus Esprit - ICI number is P4216490 and the Lotus number is A089B6088V.
I’m in the process of replacing the head lining at the moment, when that is complete and I have the car back together I will post another picture.