Help-I need some direction on which set up to go for my 1968 S3 SE DHC - I have two heads(not me )one a weber and one a stromberg.
Could I have some advice as to the pros and cons of each as I find varying opinions ranging from good to bad in terms of performance and reliability.
I am looking for good power range and output and a degree of reliability.
The engine I have will have some minor improvements such as -port polishing,new rings etc 4-2-1 exhaust-quality air filter etc.
Comments,experiencesand comments invited welcome
Thanks in anticipation
The webber head is the one to go for especially so if your intending to get a bit extra from the engine, it’s infinitly more tuneable. Even in standard tune a webber twin cam is a better performing engine than a stromberg twin cam. The stromberg heads are rather restrictive (those carburettors and siamesed inlet ports) and you won’t get the kind of performance from a stromberg head that you can with a webber. There should be no difference in reliability between the two providing the engine is properly screwed together. The webber head might be a bit heavier on fuel but you don’t buy an elan for it’s fuel economy !
I agree with the prevous posts, go for the webbers also unless you have the “bulge” in the bonnet the stromburgs will catch or is that only with the high level crossover pipes? :unsure:
I made this modification (4 inlets ports in place of the genuine 2 inltes ports) on my S4SE 1969 which means the change of the head (you take this opportunity to change the cam chain and the water pump as well).
I noticed a big change especially at higher rpm and almost no loss of torque.
The fuel consumption was not worse than before.
I used the first series of Dell Orto’s (without anti pollution devices) 40 DHLA and they were working better than the Webers (more torque and same peak power) and better fuel consumption. (i had in my garage two pairs of carbs : Webers and Dell Orto’s coming from Alfa Romeos).
I also tried with Solex and this was not ok at all.
If you use the Webers, you have to use the F11 jet airbodies and not the F16 as you have on the Alfa Romeos.
Edouard de Grand Ry
avenue Marie Th?r?se 7
1410 Waterloo - Belgium
I agree with the tunable bit about the weber set up. However do not underestimate a good Stromberg set up. I have had weber and delorto and now Stomberg. If everything is in good condition and set up right with the motor a Stromberg set up is good. I have an S4 DHC that I took care to rebuild and goes very well. I also find it less fussy to set up. It is the Super SE with the head skim and big valve cams.
See text in Miles Wilkins books about the twin Cam. The Stromberg set up was valued and credible.
I do think that attention to detail brings the best out in both. Hence I would go for another Stromberg build.
I’m glad to hear some good news regarding Strombergs. I’m knee deep into a restoration of a ‘69 FCH and after read the Dave Bean catalogue, I figured that I’d use the Strombergs for crab pot weights.
The Miles’ twin cam book restored my hope, and as I seem to have one of the SE series (sans cross pipe) I figure I’d give them a go. According to the book I should have a peppy set up if properly setup and maintained.
My only concern is that my setup uses the low balance pipe, which I understand was later change to reduce fire potential. Is this something to be addressing or can I let sleeping dogs lie??
Dave C
Seeing as Stombergs are not popular you should be able to get hold of the maniflod bits easily for a top balance pipe ararengement without much trouble.
I only know what Ive read and they do seem to be the favoured ones for the business about the fire risk.
Did you also see the bit (in Wilkins book) about the blunt edge bit where the air flow splits to the cylinders. I blunted mine of as it looked very sharp.
Thanks for the input mike. I’ll do some checking around.
I pulled the old set of stombergs off the manifold just yesterday and noted that there was some some rather clumsy polishing to the “v” area. It didn’t look too well done and I wondered if this was from the factory or the result of the PO’s efforts.
I recently aquired a pair of freshly rebuilt 175s done by Joe Courto and I’m just addressing that area of the restoration. I have been finding some nice bits and spares along the way, but I afraid it’s going to be some time before I’m rolling. The body work and respray are still ahead. Till then I can fiddle with the carbs and wish for warmer weather.
My S4 SE dhc has of course the Stomberg set up. The engine and carbs etc were rebuilt not that long ago and I must say that this set up works very well and has more low down torque than a Weber set up. I have driven an other elan with Webers. I think if you are looking for a race tune then Webers is the only choice but for every day use and ease of set up go for the Strombergs.
I have the twinc cam book but have read the section on Strombergs yet. I will have a look now thanks for the pointer.