Just like to keep you informed on the weber head conversion.
Small fortune in parts came in from Dave Bean Eng. I have now pressed in the new valve guides, did this by leaving the valve guides outside last night (we had a heavy frost) and steam cleaned the head to clean and and get it nice and warm. The valve guides went in with no problems. polished the chambers but left the ports clean but not polished. I skimmed the head couple of weeks ago now measures 4.610" thick, the Stromberg head I took off was 4.600" should not make much of a difference. It is nice to have a fully equiped machine shop to do all this work then I can only blame myself if I make a mstake, so far so good. Saturday I hope to get the water pump off and replaced. and finish polishing the valves to assembly next week. I had to order a adjustable reamer to ream the valve guides. (reamer just arrived so that is saturdays job)
Picture shows progress so far.