Weber Carbs-Destruction Mode!!!

Hi all,

Following my efforts to refurbish my carburettors that have been laid up for the last 30 years and I successfully refurbished one carburettor and thought the next one would be easy- not so :frowning:

i have a major problem with my carbs- the choke starter valves located within the carb body have seized and I have tried heat, wd40, plus gas, petrol and brute force and polite swearing :confused: . This has left me with a damaged starter valve and the real frustration is how I can get the valve out without wrecking the guide upon which the valve slides within the aluminum body so that the choke operates easily and effectively.

I also have a sheared (broken stud within the starter body housing and also a broken stud within the bottom body of the carb and I would like some ideas as how I can get over this without buying another new or second hand carb as they seem to be selling for silly pennies.

Does anyone have a salvaged or old DCOE 45 31 body available I can use as a base so that I can recover the situation.

I live in Bedfordshire so any help or tips appreciated.

…I managed to drill out small (threaded) studs (steel in brass) by grinding
a round dent in the top of the stud to assist punching a drill point in the very center of it. Then starting to machine drill very straight down with a very small drill. (and trying not to go too deep/taking other studs for length sample). After having this guideline, I used a machine drill holder
and drilled in metric o.10 steps by hand. After a while the remaining thread came out like a sping - I could grab it with a pair of pliers - and no thread damaged! (just in case You find no spares…)

This of course requires a metric .10 stepped drill set…
