Water Temp Gauge - Voltage Stabiliser?

My temp gauge seems to under read by about 10 degrees. Could this be the voltage stabiliser and if so having never had the dash off , where exactly is it and can I get to it without removing the dash (+2S 130/4 1973)
My Fuel gauge also under reads which I beleive is connected to the same regulator


Not sure about the +2 but my S3 has a mechanical water temperature gauge (dual water temp/oil pressure) so there is no electrical influence.


You are correct in think that both the water temp. and fule guages are connect to the voltage regulator. I don’t know where it is on a +2s 130/4 on my early +2 it was situated just to the left of the steering column and I could reach with my fingers to give it a tap when it occasionally stopped working and gave me a high water temperature and a sudden increase in fule level! I have subsequently replaced it with a solid state unit. I actually replaced it when I replaced the dash but if yours is in a similar location to mine then I think you could probably replace it without removing the dash.

Good luck


Thanks for that Andy, Do you think the stabiliser is capable to putting out a lower voltage than 10V (for the under reading) or do you think it would either work at 10V or put out the higher 12V or more?


Hi. As Andy says there is a stabiliser and it’s located just above the right hand lower dash bolt - there are two bolts going into a bracket that bolts to the chassis tunnel, and the stabiliser is just next to the right hand one - at least it is on my old dash. I did a post on the voltage stabiliser a few months back when I was rigging my temperature sensor up. Neat little device. elan-plus-f13/normal-running-temp-t18777.html is the page where I posted a pdf describing how it works. Hope that’s helpful.


I’ve printed it out and will purchase a solid state one , that PDF has all the info!
Oops - I should have searched the archives more , I’m probably going to be excommunicated now or something!

Thanks again


Hi. I’d rather you posted than searched the archives - it’s more like talking to people. It’s much easier to find the info by asking someone than picking up a book. Posting the link just avoided me having to upload again.

I thought that regulator was really neat. A bi-metallic strip to regulate the voltage - that’s clever and stupidly simple!

I’m still on travels round the USA. We started in Panama City, where it was a lovely low 20s temperature with blue skies, then on to New Orleans where it started to rain, now we’re in Washington and it’s raining hard. Off to Boston in the morning. Guess it’ll be colder there.

So there you go, I’ve gone off topic.

All the best.


Have a good trip, have you looked up some Lotus elan.net people?
(Its been raining here!)



Mine failed by giving a high voltage but as a slight tap with my fingers cured it for a short while I would guess it was a sticking contact. Under voltage could be caused by dirty contacts but I’ve never seen that failure mode. Mind you until I saw my unit playing up I had never seen a voltage regulator fail! I don’t have a great deal of experience to call on.

I see you are going to purchase a solid state unit so that should improve the situation.



Hi Terry. I thought of looking up some lotuselan.net people, but chickened out. I chose to go out to dinner with a cute blond chick from our marketing department. We went to Fat Cat’s in Quincy with the marketing bloke that I’m travelling with. Diet starts when I get home… It’s drizzling and cold here. A good end to a long trip though.

All the best.


Back to this one, thought I’d fit my nice new solid state stabiliser. I can’t find the old one???
I’ve looked on the RH side, on the LH side , behind the speedo, behind the radio. Has anyone any ideas or perhaps I don’t have one? Both gauges under read?


Hi Terry. Here’s a pic of the rear of my dash that I took earlier in the year. The voltage stabiliser is on the left hand side with a large green capacitor hanging off it and a load of green wires of different colours. Hope this helps.


Crikey that’s a useful picture! I’m going to print it out!

Thanks a lot , I was stabbing in the dark a bit, I’ll have a look at the weekend


Terry, here’s another picture which may help in conjunction with Sean’s photo. I also had to draw up a ‘physical schematic’ as it helps my brain understand what wire goes to what terminal…usually missing from the wiring diagram.
I put this up here a couple of years ago, and now can’t find it…so here it is again!

Thanks for posting the layout again Mark - I have got it stored as it happens but I’d forgotten about it. I’ve been putting off starting the dash for the last two days - the usual thing - fitting radiator valves round the house, doorbells, kitchen drawers - anything that doesn’t mean tackling the dash. I’ll give it start in the morning. Also I’m still setting up the headlight vacuum pod - got them to shut last night using my vacuum brake bleeding pump - need more adjustment though.

Happy new year.


Is there a voltage regulator in an Elan? If so, where?

Hi Brian,
Happy New Year. I see you won the prize for the first post of 2010.

Yes there is a voltage stabilizer on the Elan it’s mounted on the back of the speedo.

Thank for the picture Mark. I should be able to find it now. Its behind the trim that screwed on, I didn’t look there!
When’s your car going to be finished Sean? Early 2010?



Thank’s for the picture, but my car does not seem to have one - that’s why I asked the question.

Maybe the PO moved it to another place behind the Dash?
I did that because it makes removal of the Speedo from the Dash so much easier; the Stabiliser used to catch on the Speedo aperture & made it almost impossible to remove.
I think I’m correct in thinking that the Fuel Gauge will not work (properly) without the Stabiliser?
I found out when re-sighting the Stabiliser, to my enlightenment that it needs Earthing; something that happened automatically when it was attached to the Speedo.

