water pump removal


Is there a trick to removing the water pump assembly on the twin cam engine. I’ve removed all the bolts and pulleys and used as much persuasion as I dare but it just wont come off?


Have you a water pump cartridge, or is it mounted in the timing case cover ?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if it is the original timing case cover, you normally have to release the head and sump, as it is sandwiched between them.


Its all original but I’ve already got the engine out and dismantled.
Meanwhile found some old articles and it seems soaking it in WD40 overnight may loosen things up…

You’re well on the way then !

I’d make up four timber wedges and judiciously hammer them in to the four corners to keep some pressure on, while the WD40 soaks in.


many thanks for your help


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if it is the original timing case cover, you normally have to release the head and sump, as it is sandwiched between them.

This is the best advert I have seen to date making the case to ensure I install a cartridge system on my engine rebuild next year :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t be jumping for joy too much on that one! Beware they usually aren’t just plug and play for first time fitment. There’s a lot of fettling to be done to make them fit and traps to be careful of (shouldn’t be that way but unfortunately that’s the reality more often than not with non OEM parts). The first time fitment is more not less difficult than just replacing the original. Once successfully fitted however you should be on a roll.

When your trying to remove the front cover remember it is in 2 parts. Front Cover and Sandwich Plate.
remove Front Cover first then remove Screw holding Sandwich Plate to Block :wink: :wink:
Have you done this before and if it’s the first time buy a Workshop Manuel.
Good luck

I can imagine it is not straight forward, but I could not resist a response to Foxies matter-of-fact description of a major dismantle for a simple job :smiley:

I should not really worry as I cannot remember the last time I had to replace a water pump and with the dreduced mileage I do these days, hope never to replace one again :sunglasses: It is just the thought of what to do if I ever had to on the Elan. I think it is one of these things, like electric pods and rear cv shafts, the modern take will make it easier for not only I, but future owners.

There is though the cost. is it good value or not :confused:

Left to soak in WD40 overnight under tension with wooden wedges but still no joy removing the front plate. I’ll give it any day of soaking and try aain also applying some heat but if that doesn’t work after that I was thinking of removing the jack shaft and the back plate bolt. Problem is that it must be 30 years since the pump was touched! Any other suggestions?

Yes I have a manual.


Did you remove the single bolt that secures the backplate to the front of the block? It’s located just above the crankshaft.

Impossible to remove single bolt before the front cover has been removed complet with the Pump :wink: :wink:
The bolt is exposed after removal of the front cover

All bots removed and the assembly does rotate so I’m pretty certain its the corroded spacer preventing everything coming off…

Sorry i see you’ve already considered the bolt! Did you try slowly wiggling the the front cover in a rotating motion left and right relative to the backplate in order to break the corrosion existing between the water pump adapter ring and the backplate? This motion might work better initially rather than trying to pull it forward. I’d also try tapping it gently with a plastic hammer. You might want to put the single bolt back in before doing this

Thanks I’ll try that…

Be careful there’s a lot of bent sandwich plates around :unamused:

There should be just enough room to get in there with a ring spanner to remove this and the jackshaft sprocket bolts once the sump is off if all else fails and you need to remove front cover and backplate together.

Thanks Guys! You have cemented my case for spending the extra to fit a cartridge type… :smiley: :smiley:

You’ll be pleased to know that they can corrode in place too!!

Jacking bolt holes though generally allow removal even if corroded and stuck
