Wash wipe switch

My wipers were hooked up to an ordinary toggle switch intead if the wash-wipe push-rotary one one on the dash. I also have a push/rotary one I bought on ebay. I dont know for sure if either work…

Does anyone know how the switch is wired? Which position connects which contacts? Or have any other guidance?

Thanks as ever, and best regards, Iain

Three position switch
Off 1 and 2 made (allows parking)
Slow 2 and 3 made
Fast 3 and 4 made
ignition battery to posn3

John :wink:
P.S. if you want to fit an intermittent wiper relay,wire the contacts between 3 and 4 otherwise you will get problems(voice of experience)

Many thanks, John.

Just buzzed it out and it works as you say. All I need to do now is find the wires…

best regards, iain