Wanted parts for S1 26R FIA GTS build

Have bare TTR 26R chassis, body doors boot roof and bonnet. What is sitting on shelves out there that you may want to part with?
Cheers Colin

Hi Colin,

I have a close ratio gearbox, alloy bell housing and tail shaft, never been fitted after rebuild, if you need one?
I also have door locks and window parts, which may be suitable, depending on how original your trim has to be?

Best regards Kenny.


Just an observation, but this is an expensive way to do it. IMO competition cars sell for much less than the sum of their parts. A bit of noodling should find GTS spec Elans for sale.


Hi Kenny,
What internals are in your box? Standard, dog box or dog with sincro?
I have new locks, brackets, striker plates and window channels but I am looking for alloy exterior handles and interior handles?
Cheers Colin

Hi Andy,
Apreciate that but just wanted to do one myself !!
Cheers Colin

I have parts for three rail 5 speed gearbox (gears, selector forks, selector rods and all bearings) if you are interested.
All parts are new.

Hi Bob, thank you for the offer, Im sorted with a gearbox last week :slightly_smiling_face:
Cheers Colin

Hi Colin
I have a few items that might be of use to you:
NOS rear ‘side’/brake lights. Appreciate as a ‘race’ car (assuming you intend to race it) you may not want to risk NOS items when repros are available but I’m looking for the same sort money (C£100 each) so it is up to you.
An early cam cover with ‘Lotus’ down each side above the camshafts. This has the beefier strengthening webs than some I’ve seen. It has also been modified with the ‘Brian Hart’ additional breather on the front face next to the the timing chain; this has been done very nicely and it does save you drilling an unmodified one. I’d be looking for £300 for that.
I also have a semi-close ratio box (2.972 1st gear) but it sounds as though you are sorted on that front.
If you are interested in any of these, do let me know and I’ll send you more details, photos etc. - [email protected] or 07976 707395
1967 S3 SE FHC
1962 7
1962 22
1996 Elise

Hi Rob, Thanks for that, I am doing one of my spare engines for this one so ok for the cover. Have all lights except front sidelights and none chinese eye perspex headlamp covers. Do you have any?
Cheers Colin

Hi Colin
Thanks for getting back to me. Sounds like you are making good progress.
Sorry, I’ve only got the rear lights. The front sides shouldn’t be too hard to find and I guess Tony Thompson would be a good bet for the headlight covers. Great project, good luck.