W clip clamp throttle coupling Stromberg carbs

Hi, One of my W clip clamps has just snapped so I rang Paul Matty for a replacement but unfortunately they have been having difficulty sourcing the correct part from their suppliers. Can anyone please suggest an alternative supplier as Paul Matty have never let me down before.

Thanks Mike

I am pretty sure I have one (used but good)
PM me your address and I will post it to you FOC

I can’t beat Dave’s offer, but in case he can’t find it, or in case other people are searching fort he same part, I have found gowerlee.dircon.co.uk/ to be a good source for carb components.

They supplied me with a Stromberg link clip a few years ago, but I don’t know what supplies are like these days.


I can’t beat Dave’s offer, but in case he can’t find it, or in case other people are searching fort he same part, I have found gowerlee.dircon.co.uk/ to be a good source for carb components.

They supplied me with a Stromberg link clip a few years ago, but I don’t know what supplies are like these days.


Also try www.burlen.co.uk they make new Stromberg carbs :slight_smile: