Voltage regulators

Hi , Can someone please confirm that the images I have attached are of the RB106 voltage regulator and assuming they are offer me an explanation why I have this on my S4 when I think I should have the RB340 ?
Thanks Mike

My S4 has the same control box (no longer in circuit)

The RB340 was fitted to Sprints and I presume late S4’s

Someone on the forum will probably know the chassis number of the changeover :wink:

My mid-1971 S4 has the later RB340 type.

:arrow_right: Matthew

Hi Mike

The 2 relay regulator is the RB106/2 see page 32 of Section M of the +2 workshop Manual, the other regulator used is the 3 relay one which is the RB340 see page 36 of Section M

Hope this helps


Note the RB 106 / RB340 are model numbers and covers lots of regulator part numbers with different current rattings for dynamo types.