Getting a an S130/5 on monday (VERY excited!), with some mods.
As it’s a 130 it’s got the Big Valve, and it’s PO has fitted Lumenition, had the head gas flowed and it’s got VJ5 cams. What’s this cam spec., has it got any bhp improvement, are they fast road cams giving a lumpy idle or what?
ehm, good question. . This was the spec. from the PO, the one I’ve bought it from has only had it 6 weeks at is just re-selling it to me as he’s having a Zetec built. I’ll try to find out.
Hi - I’ve got VJ5 cams (also called “TT36 Profile”). I had them fitted when my sprint engine was rebuilt and uprated for fast road + (occational) track use, by TwinCam techniques in Leicestershire (now sadly closed). VJ5’s / TT36’s were recommended by them as the best way of getting a reliable 135BHP, whilst keeping all the low end torque and driveability of the Twinc. They said they would have been the logical modern update for the twinc.
The engine is a gem - lively at both top and bottom of rev range. It feels just like a regular twinc, but with a bit more power throughout the rev range, and like a regular twinc power drops off c <6000 rpm.
I just pulled out the spec sheet for the engine
it says VJ5, Inlet : Full lift at 105 degree ATDC (after top dead centre)
exhauts Full lift at 110 degrees BTDC.