Visual check on Clutch release bearing movement

With engine on it’s stand and nearing completion I’m just making sure everything else in engine bay is fine before I drop it in.

The clutch is bled and out of interest just tried to see how far bearing comes up splines…it didn’t look much to be honest but I was on my own with nobody to do a proper measurement. It did only look like it was moving 10mm or so…anyone know what movement you’d expect to see.


Hi Ken,

Good question.
I know from my own experience that it can be critical.
After fiitng new clutch plate and new master and recon slave cylinder I was unable to free the clutch completely.
After checking everything over and over in the end I installed a slighter different bore master brake cylinder in order to free the clutch. It worked and I can only suspect that in my case the clutch plate must have been only so slightly thicker than the original one.
ven now the clutch pedal travel is minimal so 10mm should do the trick.
Hope this is helpfull to you.

69 elan plus two

Robin, very helpfull thanks.
I just thought it was silly putting engine back in without seeing how far bearing moves.

Many thanks,


Hi Kenny,

if you get stuck let me know and I will provide you with more details in order to correct your problem with the clutch

Thanks for that Robin, nice one.


Dug out of my old manual,the master push rod moves 30mm and the slave cylinder push rod 15mm,if that’s any use…

John :wink:

Cheers John…very useful.
