I have just instlalled new bronze valve guides & am looking for advice from the group as to the correct proceedure to size them. Before inserting in the head they were a snug sliding fit on the valve stems. Although I heated the head & put the guides in the freezer they were a challenge to instal using a drift & hammer. I did get them all seated but with a fair amount of force required. The valve stems will now not insert into the guides so they certainely need sizing. I have been told to hone the guides instead of having them reamed. Anyone care to give me the benefit of their experience?
Kieth ----I had mine installed by a v.w. machine shop in Toronto who specialized in aluminum heads for water pumper V.W. cars ----ed
Ed, do you know the name of the shop & did they ream or hone?
hey Kieth —call Bill Valis at 905 384 0016 —he took care of it for me —I just installed the head -ed
The manual specifies Dry Ice for the guides. You may want to start over because the press fit may be compromised by the hammering (making the hole in the head larger instead of the guide sliding in easily and expanding to lock in place). Getting the guide bore straight may be a problem as well.
Good Luck,